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Youth baseball

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by BubbaBJ, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. BubbaBJ

    BubbaBJ Premium Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    I'm not sure if this is allowed. I've donated to other causes I've found on the GC forums over the years, so I hope this is fine.

    My son's 12u baseball team is raising funds for their trip to Cooperstown Dreams Park this year.

    Two of the coaches are from FSU, one from Miami, and then me (obviously a Gator). I'm hoping to show that with your support, we can raise more for the kids than the other coaches, and relieve the families of some of the financial stress.

    We are the FCA Lions, based in Lakeland, with players from Polk and Hillsborough counties.

    The team is talented, but the kids were selected based on their character. We pray at every team event and hold devotionals. We prioritize God, family, school, then baseball. Our baseball goals have been for them to step on the big fields 1. wanting to play (we keep it fun), 2. knowing how to play the right way (we teach cutoffs, signs and everything for the big field) and 3. able to play (we are very careful to protect their arms).

    We would appreciate any help you can offer. Please let me know if you have more questions and/or are able and willing to help. Every bit gets them closer to their goal.

    Go Gators (and Lions)

    P.S. We are a nonprofit and have all the necessary paperwork.
  2. BubbaBJ

    BubbaBJ Premium Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    This is the team.

    Attached Files: