Yeah, Bama got their crap playing out of the way. They will have to lose the game instead of a team beating them. Second? I will choose Washington for no other reason than UTx is UTx and they are going to turn south sooner or later. The semis seem as good of a place as any. And they are tough.
I would like to see Washington, as I have a a healthy dislike for all of the other teams involved, but, if I was betting the mortgage, I would go with 'Bama.
I'll be pulling for Washington, if not them then Michigan. I don't like Texas, never have, and while I admire the heck out of Nick Saban and I just don't want them to win again, although I honestly think they will.
I think Alabama wins it I'm rooting for in order Washington-Texas-Alabama-Michigan Not rooting for slimy cheats who have the nerve to act like they being caught is "an attack"