You do realize that strike capability has come a long way from B-52s dropping nukes or carpet bombing don’t you.
Sure, but there is only one of him vs. the scores of millions struck mentally ill by the thought of him.
Luckily big hulking targets no longer have to loiter, at intolerable risk, over their targets. But barring nukes, which I can only hope is a non-starter, the best we can do from afar would register as pin pricks.
I assume that was in reference to LeMay's approach, not his weapons of choice. If we preemptively destroyed all of Iran's military infrastructure tomorrow, you believe that the world would suddenly be a better place?
If we did, all the Shia in the region would no longer feel they are treated unjustly and would just meekly accept the state of affairs without protest. All would be peaceful
It would likely be an even worse place, potentially a place pock-marked by smoldering ruins in places Westerners considered getaways.
Really? I would have never imagined that our military capabilities might have improved in the 60 or so years since LeMay wanted to bomb North Vietnam back to the Stone Age.
A BBC piece on the background. Big headline: many Iranian conservatives do not think they are "winning" (I actually got in an exchange this weekend with someone that thinks we are being pushed around in the region by Iran - so ignorant) Everything suggests Iran's military, the Revolutionary Guards, were under pressure to act from Islamic hardliners inside the country. These hardliners are increasingly unhappy with Iran apparently standing by as Israel kills huge numbers of Palestinians in Gaza. They are also angry that Iran did nothing after its arch-enemy Israel assassinated a number of top Revolutionary Guard commanders in Syria - and only verbally supported the Houthis when they came under US-UK strikes. And then there's the bomb attack claimed by the Islamic State group (IS) in the Iranian city of Kerman two weeks ago, which killed at least 84 people. The Guards felt they had to act somehow, without ratcheting up tensions with Israel or the US. Iran has been careful not to get directly involved in the Israel-Gaza war - though it does offer military support to Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah. But in striking Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, they appear to have have scored a few own goals.
I know that you could and would imagine it? But I know with more certainty that you would quickly ignore it to fit your political viewpoint and narrative. You know, the “all one way or all the other” games that you libbies constantly may.
Well, offhand, I'd say that given the current state of the world, it would have a decent chance of starting a nuclear exchange. If we're able to avoid that, we'd probably be looking at mass mobilization of armed forces and potentially another world war. What do you think would happen?
That they would realize that a line has been drawn after 45 years of their bullshit. Just who is going to take their side and fight for their sorry asses?
Frankly, your idea is so absurd I've already spent too much time addressing it, but - China and Russian are both strategic partners with Iran. Besides whatever support they may provide given the golden opportunity we'd be presenting our enemies - I'd imagine China would likely invade Taiwan and Russia may go full levee en masse to achieve it's goals. I get it, you hate that Iran is funding Hamas. I do, too. I hope you're trolling with this idea - either way, I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole.
Good. And no I’m not trolling. A Strategic Partnership would be dropped like a hot potato as soon as the shit gets thick and it’s going to cost them money with no return. China would watch what happens to Iran in one day and go back to trying to address their economic issues when they realize that Taiwan is not worth the cost. And not just pissed that they fund Hamas, I haven’t forgiven them for the Beirut Bombing that killed 241 US Marines. And yes, one of those is personal. That’s not even addressing the thousand of other attacks they have funded and orchestrated since 1979.
As Americans, we should demand evidence presented to Congress and the UN. I doubt Biden or Trump would go there. Absent a direct attack by Iran, we are likely better off with a proxy war and cyber attacks.
I can understand the logic but that would be another 20 years of their mayhem. And no one else has the precision. Strike capability to take out their military targets with minimal civilian loss.
Wait, the blame is on Trump? No blame on Biden, who gave $6B back to Iran in 2021? Additionally, who just authorized Iran receiving yet another $10B access to funds? Biden did this around Thanksgiving (ironic isn't it). It was for humanitarian aid yet we all know Iran used all of it to send to Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis. It makes you stop and think that maybe he did it in order to play both sides - give access to funds to Iran in order to arm the terrorists around Gaza while the US arms Israel to be able to fight said terrorists. Never thought Biden was a warmonger but he's beginning to look more like Bush did after 9/11.
who gave Iran the waiver to earn that $6B who stopped the transfer of that $6B after the attack? link for additional $10B? I suspect it is as accurate as your first two claims. you need to expand your sources of information