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Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by doctorg8r, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    Ohhh contraire.... it's now no secret rivals are pointing recruits to Gator social media sites and having them read the vitriol by our OWN fanbase towards Billy. Do you have Facebook by chance? Look up ANY Florida Gator page, then read the comments. At least 90% are anti Billy. These are PUBLIC forums. I don't have Twitter or Instagram but I imagine those are just as nasty, especially Twitter.

    Yes Billy is in the same boat, but not every boat was crafted by the same engineer. I hate to blame injuries, but with James do we win the AK game? Scooby was AWFUL. With Mertz & James do we beat fsu? No way does Mertz only pass for 86yds. I'm trying to stay positive b/c the losses outside of Georgia were not blowouts and could have easily been wins. Now I'd honestly be VERY worried if we had the record we did last year with an upperclassmen team instead of being the youngest team in the country vs the #2/3 SOS.

    I'm encouraged by the hires on defense, the talent that will be a year older, & mucher better depth. Just please for the love of God he address ST's.
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  2. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
  3. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    If 2024 he comes out and nothing looks improved then I don't think even his biggest supports can justify another season. Especially as this team in '24 will be 99% his recruiting/portal grabs.
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  4. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    Anyone comparing Napier’s recruiting to Mullen’s needs their head examined. UF is 75% where we are because Mullen was so gotdayum AWFUL at HS recruiting & had to hit the portal. NorveLLLLLLLL is pretty much in the same boat, we ALL saw what happened against Georgia when ALL the portal kids opted out & he was forced to play HIS recruits. Georgia may have kicked our ass, but at least Billy’s kids fought hard all 4 quarters after losing James to a freak knee injury during damn warm ups.
  5. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    So, here is my disconnect. Who actually has the power to change that? If I have learned anything in my depressingly close to 40 years on earth, telling people to stop being negative and to be positive doesn't work. Could say the same about the other way around too. Napier and team has to give people things to be positive about, that is the only cure. This board was rainbows and unicorns after the UT game outside of a few, and there will ALWAYS be that few, no matter what happens.

    Every time I see people called trolls or negative or the new hotness, turbo whiners, I just see the recipients doubling down. I've been guilty of it myself on multiple occasions. Then the cycle of back and forward starts and it just grows into stupidity.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  6. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    The point that continuously seems to be missed is the on field production has to be better before the recruiting can be deemed to be better. BN's recruiting can not be assessed for at least another year if not two. On the other hand, the horses are in the barn for Mullen and conservatively speaking, it sucked.
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  7. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    You're not wrong at all, some people are who they are & they'll never change no matter how much proof you give them.

    For example on Facebook a guy was going off how losing Scooby should get BN fired. Nasty stuff. So I said tried to let him know that losing Scooby was not the loss he thinks this is and gave him some off hand stats, also provided Howard is a much better replacementeven as a FR. He said I was wrong & there's no proof Yada, Yada. So I screen shot him both of their stats. My reward.... the dude called me the "R" word. lol.
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  8. MaceoP

    MaceoP GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Parcells was talking about his team, not individual talent. As i previously posted, Belichick was 36-44 as the head coach of cleveland from 91-95.. Parcells in 96 left the Jets and arranged to have Belichick replace him. Was Belichick NO GOOD because of his Cleveland record? Obviously NOT! as Belichick was mentored and promoted all along by Parcells.
    I would agree our team hasn't been very good, the coaches haven't performed up to their level, and the obstacles haven't been overcome, yet that doesn't mean CBN is NO GOOD.. Plenty of examples of coaches who turn the corner after their teams initial sub-par performance.
    Finebaum, who is a Bama homer, mentioned on his show that CBN was a name (prior to his Florida hiring) that was thrown around in the universe of potential Saban replacements when sportswriters speculated, so people obvoulsy thought very highly of him.
  9. gatogrande

    gatogrande VIP Member

    Dec 14, 2023
    What impressed me about last year is that they never quit on Billy. Even in losses they competed till the end.That means something. They were 2 plays away from 7 and 5 . I don't care what the clueless couch coaches on here say, next years roster is going to be better than this years roster. As long as they compete and don't quit on their coach I would be fine with 6 wins maybe even 5 . We simply cannot fire another coach so soon, we would be headed to a Tennessee like disaster. We have to give billy 4 years. If he fails then you morons can have your way and can bathe yourself in the negative sewer you seem to enjoy so much.
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  10. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Recruiting is not just HS. Napier is better than Mullen at HS.

    You have to account for your transfers in and transfers out as well.

    It’s your total talent pool.

    Didn’t FSU just out recruit us in HS? They may not be the best example.

    Either way I’d rather have starters that can go 13-0 with mediocre backups than mediocre starters and backups.

    You do realize you can continuously go to the portal to fill in gaps?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Those free speech areas exist and are more popular than GC, so there is no benefit in sanitizing these forums.

    Regardless you make it seem like those coaches wouldn’t negatively recruit even if all social media was scrubbed. They’d still be telling them Napier is on the hot seat after two losing seasons. The recruits would still believe them. Why? Because it’s self evident. The evidence showing two straight losing seasons to start at a major P5 school = hot seat is massive. Those coaches have enough ammo to win a war.
  12. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    ok got it. You have no evidence but your emotions and hopes. Good day to you
  13. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    You're highlighting the wrong parts. Here, let me help....

    ^ just catering to my audience. Y'all like rankings so much, so I threw some out that are actually relevant.

    So, considering what you chose to highlight in my quote, are you suggesting that Lagway and McCray's ratings are meaningless? They are two of the top six overall players in the class, and you'll have a hard time finding anyone who thinks their rankings aren't justified.

    But Matthanuf and the Mullen defenders love to talk about "data" so let's look at the facts.....

    -Napier, despite a worse record, is bringing in higher rated players than Mullen ever could. FACT.

    -Some of Mullen's highest rated recruits transferred out after spring or never even made it to campus. FACT.

    This really isn't a difficult concept to grasp. Rankings and statistics can be very useful, and I never suggested they are worthless. BUT, some numbers WITHOUT THE PROPER CONTEXT can be extremely misleading. Mullen's class rankings were artificially inflated, therefore it is foolish to suggest he recruited on Napier's level. And I guess if you want to ignore all the articles out there with damning evidence of Mullen's shortcomings as a recruiter, be my guest.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Nobody is defending Mullen. The talent wasn’t good enough then and isn’t good enough now.

    Why do you continuously ignore transfers? That is an absolute key portion of the overall talent level on a college team in 2024.

    In 2024 Kiffin is a substantially better acquirer of talent than Napier. Why? Transfers. Napier is better in HS, but Kiffin is orders of magnitudes better with transfers.

    A football team is the aggregation of all methods of acquiring and losing talent. Stop focusing on one and start looking at all.

    You keep going back and forth between looking at rankings. What is it? And if you aren’t looking at rankings, then what are you making your judgment on?

    You are the only person to present zero evidence that the talent is better. Do better.
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  15. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    So why do our fans KNOWINGLY (key word) disparage the HC on open forums.Thing is social media exists, and dumb people use it more.
  16. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    So our recruits are dumb?

    And there is nothing wrong saying he’s on the hot seat. Everyone knows it. 2+2=4. It doesn’t hurt to talk about what everyone knows.
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  17. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    Who's more successful right now, the coaches that recruit HS, or the portal ones that don't recruit HS very well. As for fsu would you trade our class for theirs? Norvell filled up with 16 3* & Billy landed 2 in the top 6. Norvell got lucky with JT staying not only a 6th yr, but playing in the acc to boot.

    We each have our own perspective on this and probably aren't going to sway each other too much. I will add that I think MN is stupid grabbing DJU over playing Duffy. That young kid played his guts put vs Georgia & MN grabbed the 1st mediocre QB he found.
  18. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    "Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in" :emoji_laughing:

    Actually, yes, they are defending Mullen. If you had the ability to follow along with the points being made in a conversation, you would realize I was responding to someone who questioned if Napier was a better recruiter than Mullen. I've seen this comment made several times on here, with the "evidence" being the HS recruiting rankings between the two and how similar their class rankings are. Every time, despite the fact that fans who understand context debunk this lazy conclusion. My whole point was that Mullen's rankings were artificially propped up by some kids who never even played for Florida, but you want to bring up all this other stuff and make it way more than what it is.

    I'm not talking about transfers, because that topic is irrelevant in this discussion. If you want to talk about Napier's ability to "recruit" the portal, I don't care. IMO, for most of the high end players available, I believe it's mostly about money, and a little about wanting to win and/or improve one's draft stock. Unfortunately, we're not in a good position right now due to our NIL situation (which still doesn't seem to be the best) and Napier's results on the field (which is on him, obviously). But he has proven more than capable of acquiring impact players through the portal. Time will tell if a guy like Kiffin or Deion flooding their team with mercenaries has the right strategy.

    I'm not going back and forth between anything. Clearly you lack the critical thinking skills and reading comprehension to follow along, so I'll eagerly await your follow-up post asking the same questions and putting more words in my mouth. Round and round we go......
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  19. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Washington and Michigan were just in the title game and don’t recruit at the highest level. Texas and Wash had transfer QBs. Wash had a decent amount of transfers. FSU had an undefeated regular season on the backs of transfers. The majority of recent Heisman QBs are transfers, including this year.

    Transfers are a big big deal these days.

    In terms of FSU vs UF HS class this year? Objectively it’s too close to call at this point. We got an elite QB. They got more top 300 talent. Only time will tell. Point is it’s old news to somehow say Norvell is just transfers. He’s doing both well
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  20. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Saying Napier is acquiring talent similar to Mullen IS NOT DEFENDING Mullen.

    Neither guy acquired talent at the required clip. Their talent acquisitions skills and deficiencies are clearly very different, but the end result is we are still in a similar place.

    It’s pretty damn self evident Napier isn’t acquiring talent well. We are staring at a 500 season in YEAR THREE!
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