Simply because he didn't want to repeal Obamacare without having a replacement plan ready? Seems to me he was one of the few people with integrity who didn't want to throw people's lives into chaos simply to check a political box saying "we repealed Obamacare" (and damn the consequences)
I think Trump was calling Putin a liberator. Or are you one of those crazy MAGA-type election deniers ?
This GOP bends the knee for Putin and wants to murder illegal immigrants. Reagan is spinning in his grave like a draedel.
He liberated Ukraine kind of like the way Hilter "liberated" the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and later Ukraine in 1941 because there were ethnic Germans in both areas.
While the OPs posts are almost always well thought out and reasonably centric(thank you Phil), it is an absolute hoot to listen to a bunch of angry, pompous libs post about what the Republican Party is and used to be. Both parties have receded into opposite ideologies for the same reason. We no longer have Bill Clintons and Newt Gingrichs who will negotiate in good faith with each other personally and not through the media. Even though they are older than Trump and Biden, I would take both of them back in a heartbeat next year.
Do you believe that McCain and Romney are RINOs or do you think they're being labeled unfairly by Trump and his supporters?
The revisionist bull shut by the Putin worshiper in a thread about former conservatives is hilarious.
First, I’m not a republican. Have not been for over 30 years. No, they are not RINOs. It I’m not fans of either but each for a different reason.
Is that what I listed as the only reason? If you need me to explain it to you any further than that, try Wikipedia or various other methods. You must have missed the entire maverick routine.