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What is the Future of College Football?

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by Gatorhead, May 19, 2022.

  1. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I have been monitoring the board like the rest of you folks and am curious as to what ya'll think the future will be?

    In the event anyone happens to read my posts I'm pretty negative about it.

    Interestingly many (most)?, seem to believe that the sport is going through a phase or correction and the game we love and are so passionate about will continue going right along with not much real change.

    I suppose that may be true. Football is still an athletic event, played on a field and in front of fans, in a stadium.

    UF has made a BIG CHANGE, what with Mullen's termination, Napier's hire and obviously the significant infrastructure improvements that are either about to come on line or is in the planning stages.

    I just wonder, with NIL and the transfer portal, and conference realignment, if CBN's philosophy and plans may have gotten "de-railed" before they even had a chance to start?

    I posted a comment in an earlier thread, questioning if it was a "sound" philosophy for CBN to be hiring all these people, setting up all these departments and attacking the re-building of the UF program with his current approach. By that, I mean, prior to NIL and the Transfer Portal, I think his philosophy was EXACTLY what was needed, to "outdo" Saban, Dabo, Smart etc., at their own game.

    But now I wonder, if all that means anything? At the risk of being too cynical, shouldn't any NEW INFRASTRUCTURE be built on financial inducement?
    Seriously - Wouldn't it be better to put all those resources into financial planning and consideration for the incoming athletes, their families and handlers?

    Yes, I'm suggesting completely throwing away the old playbook and models. I just do not agree with folks that think that the allure of a school - It's academic reputation, it's geographic location, it's sports history and reputation, is a primary driver anymore.

    It's about the money, it's about income potential, it's about "what have you done for me lately", it's about housing, luxury and quality of life for mama, daddy, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and handlers.

    If UF wants to "really" get ahead in this game, I would think NIL, in Gainesville, would include housing and luxury living accomodations, stock and option portfolios, investment opportunities and connections to....."The Connected" for these "players" and their families and handlers.

    In other words, go ALL IN, toward what the destroyers of amatuer athletics have created.

    Someone needs to explain to me how it could possibly go any other way? These things are already in motion. Why do athletes even need to attend class should they decide it is an impediment to athletic success? Most don't now anyway unless one considers "Rocks for Jocks" as serious academics.

    For those that think I'm off base here, consider what the SEC has done and how they have gotten to where they are now?

    First it was the "Mega-Stadium"
    Then it was the "Jock Only" dorms
    Then it was the cute chick "jock football junkies" to carry books and (other things)
    Then it was cute chicks doing all the homework and assignments
    Then it was AD's having "private" conversations with Univ. Prof's about "priorities"
    Then it was cute chicks assisting with "recruiting visits"
    Then it was coachs arriving at high schools by Lear Jets and Helicopters
    Then it was "Bags"
    Then it was Stand Alone "indoor" football facilities
    Then it was specialized diet plans
    Then it was specialized trainers and coaches for every football position
    Then it was stand alone football facilities for EVERY-THING
    Now it is - Your a fan? GIVE US MONEY

    If folks think this crap is going to STOP - IT WON'T, it will just get worse.
    Pandora's Box is open now, never to be closed. The crooks have flowed in and they represent a river wider and deeper than the Amazon at high flood stage.

    I personally have posted MANY TIMES that Power 5 will shrink to 1/2 the teams, maybe less, merged into two conferences. I also believe that traditional football powers will be supplanted by those institutions willing to have boosters spend the most money. I also see the merger of College Football with the NFL or an NFL sponsered devlopmental leauge that pays for Collegiate "naming rights" - My own examples being the "Buc-Gators" or "Gator-Jags".

    Hey, I may be full of shit, but.............prove me wrong.
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  2. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    I think you are right on all counts with perhaps the NFL/Collegiate merger model being a stretch.

    Amazing what happens when you put the Fox (NCAA) in charge of guarding the hen-house.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. thatguy

    thatguy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2020
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. thatguy

    thatguy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2020
    The NCAA's lack of leadership is profound and obvious.
    Full-tilt dysfunctional.
    Kudos to Mark Emmert.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. thatguy

    thatguy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2020
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  6. thatguy

    thatguy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2020
  7. 62gator

    62gator GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 4, 2007
    Tampa, FL
    [QUOTE="Gatorhead, post: 13834269, member:1875]
    I just wonder, with NIL and the transfer portal, and conference realignment, if CBN's philosophy and plans may have gotten "de-railed" before they even had a chance to start?[/QUOTE]

    Yes, they have, imho. NIL, i.e. ‘$$$ to sign’ has almost completely neutralized CBN’s army of charters & plotters in a flash. Didn’t he just say (someone tell me if I heard him wrong) he will now need a $20mil per year war chest to compete with the big dogs now. I just don’t believe UF will flare some elbows and get neck deep in this ridiculous game.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    Yes, they have, imho. NIL, i.e. ‘$$$ to sign’ has almost completely neutralized CBN’s army of charters & plotters in a flash. Didn’t he just say (someone tell me if I heard him wrong) he will now need a $20mil per year war chest to compete with the big dogs now. I just don’t believe UF will flare some elbows and get neck deep in this ridiculous game.[/QUOTE]
    I bet nfl owners would jump out of their skin for a 20 mil payroll. If all things are relative, 20 mil seems like a bargain for a team with 90k seats and 50 mil from the conference. Give me the team, I like tge business model. The ping pong team, not so much. They need to do a couple car washes.
    • Best Post Ever Best Post Ever x 1
  9. sir percival harvin

    sir percival harvin Junior

    Oct 14, 2017
    I share the OP pessimism. I do not see anyway that an uncapped system does not become dominated by a few top teams based on resources. Look at the big European soccer leagues, which are uncapped, and each is dominated by a few rich teams. The Premier League is the most competitive, and it has a “big six” in a league of 20.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. 96Gatorcise

    96Gatorcise GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 6, 2008
    NIL will die down when the ROI doesn't bring NC's for 99.9%. The game was always going to change like it has from the beginning. Your choice is to continue watching and enjoy it or move on. The game wont miss you. The system is geared to capture the new fan because it has always known the current fan will lose interest or die off.
    I will continue to watch and enjoy it, NIL or the portal doesn't bother me.

    I watch for the name on the helmet not the one on the jersey. The latter has always changed, the former has been constant.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. eastowest

    eastowest GC Hall of Fame

    May 13, 2007
    I see multiple championships for the Florida Gators Football program.
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  12. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    All excellent points in your post but I would address this one.
    The short answer is no. Even without the new NIL paradigm shift, we would likely do better but not "compete" with the Bama's and UGAG's of the world. They are going to pay players and cheat no matter what the rules say.
    Now, CBN organization, extra staff, approach and everything will go a long way and recruiting will improve, but with the new NIL deals we will have the OPPORTUNITY to compete with the others at the top. Whether we will or not is another story. Clearly Dumbo chose to spend 30 million for the top class but will we?
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    It’s already been that way for a long time. The money dynamics are changing and so will the few top teams but nothing else is really changing.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    Right now, it's a free for all with no regulation. Once things settle down and these collectives and whatever folks handing out cash realize the ROI isn't worth it, the problem will correct itself and there won't be bidding wars for every top 300 prospect. I also believe there will be some kind of guardrails from the future NCAA leadership (limited transfer) that will help keep things in line. Let's face it, this kind of stuff has been going on for decades, but now it's above board and out there in the open for everyone to see.

    I'm more concerned about the superconference realignments hurting the smaller D1 schools and changing the landscape of college football in a negative way. IMO there should be a 14-team limit per conference, and the NCAA should have the ability to approve or deny any movement so schools won't be jumping around chasing the money. There needs to be some kind of structure that enforces revenue sharing to some degree. Unfortunately the NCAA has no power nowadays and it's a shame how the inmates are running the asylum.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
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  15. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I do not, the occasional SEC East but nothing aspproaching the success of SOS in the 90's or Urban.

    Hope I'm wrong though and you are right.
  16. eastowest

    eastowest GC Hall of Fame

    May 13, 2007
    I think it all comes down to
    Spend or not to spend....
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Thank you for the response and I do hope you are correct!
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  18. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    Dumbo didn’t spend any money. His fanbase did. Same idiots that started these guaranteed 100 million dollar guaranteed contracts for coaches that go 8-4.
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  19. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    True, but he's not going to say "No, I'd rather beat those guys with good old fashioned coaching". Won't win with that, Mullen is case in point.
  20. red4512

    red4512 GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 4, 2010

    Oops, wrong future.