I’ve been pondering on this drizzly day, what if the American colonies had not rebelled against the British Crown? I will preface this by saying I am not a historian and I have not researched the topic. It’s just something to think about. Britain abolished the slave trade in 1807 and enslaved labour in the colonies from 1833. If the American colonies had remained British, then most likely this abolishment would’ve happened here also. If slavery had been outlawed in 1833, the southern states would not have had any reason to secede when they did. Then there never would’ve been a Civil War. It could be argued that the south would still have seceded just earlier than they eventually did, but then the fight would’ve been against Great Britain in addition to the northern states. Also, was the south as equipped to rebel in 1833 as they were in 1860? Perhaps the country’s progression would have followed Canada’s. The Canadian colonies remained separate until 1867. According to the Canadian encyclopedia: If the American colonies remained separate, then the motivations for the Canadian colonies to form a confederation might not have been there. On the other hand, perhaps there would’ve been some other motivation for the American colonies to form their own confederation. Or perhaps the American and Canadian colonies might’ve all joined together. Canada did not give gain full independence until 1982, although they had been self governing since 1867. I don’t know enough about their history to know whether they pushed for it but Britain rejected it, or were they fine with the arrangement and didn’t bother. It’s speculation under this scenario when the American colonies would’ve pushed for independence. Perhaps there would’ve been a revolutionary war decades later. There probably would not have been a war of 1812. There probably would’ve still been a western expansion, but would it have been managed differently? Would there still have been a war with Mexico? I know this is all pure speculation. This is not a hill on which I will plant the flag, whether American or British. It’s just fun to think about. Any thoughts?
Does Spurrier still end up at Florida? Tebow? Do the Lightning still have 3 cups? I dont want to risk it.
And here we are in 2024 worrying about whether our democracy will survive -- at least those of us not in a cult and brainwashed. Only someone who wants an autocrat - their autocrat, not one from the Democratic party - would ignore the warning signs. So, I for one am not interested in what happened two centuries ago, but in what is happening now. https://www.removepaywall.com/https...e/2024/07/replace-biden-strategic-plan/678884 "November’s election has very high stakes: the nature and, indeed, the continued existence of the American republic, at least in the form that we’ve known it for the past century. Around the world, the United States under a second Trump presidency would cease to be seen as a leading democracy, or as a leader of anything at all. What kind of country elects a criminal and an insurrectionist as its president? "If he wins, Donald Trump has said that he wants mass deportations, perhaps carried out by the military—and he could do that. He wants to turn the Department of Justice against his enemies, and he might do that too: Just this week, he reposted a demand that Liz Cheney face a military tribunal merely for opposing him. The Supreme Court has just removed some more guardrails around our imperial presidency, and of course that process could continue, especially if Trump is able to pick more justices. If you think the level of polarization and political chaos in the United States is bad now, wait and see what those changes will bring. And if you think none of this can happen in America, please read the history of Hungary or Venezuela, stable democracies that were destroyed by extremist autocrats. "With America focused on its own internal crisis, American alliances in Europe, Asia, and everywhere else could fracture. The network of autocracies led by Russia and China would grow stronger, because their main narrative—democracy is degenerate—would be reinforced by the incoherent, autocratic American president. Ukraine, Taiwan, and South Korea would all be in jeopardy, because the autocratic world knows how to spot weakness and might begin to test boundaries. If Trump puts up across-the-board tariffs, he could destroy the U.S. economy as well. "A political party that cared about the future of America and, indeed, the future of the planet would do everything possible to avoid this fate. The Republicans have already shown us that they do not care and will not stop Trump. Until now, the Democrats have supported Joe Biden, a successful, transformative, and even heroic president, while a coterie of people around him concealed his true condition. Doubts about the 81-year-old president’s ability to continue governing were already widespread and are partly responsible for his low approval rating. Since last week’s debate, they have been front and center, and there is no reason to believe they will dissipate. On the contrary, the doubts are very likely to grow worse. Every stumble, every forgotten word will reinforce the impression created by the debate. Biden is polling behind Trump now. If he remains the candidate, he is likely to lose."
Both sides of my family were Loyalists, around the time of the war, which has certainly fostered a nuanced perspective on the war … American Loyalists
Fun Fact: there were 7,000 British troops in the Colonies at the outset of the war, peaking at 22,000 during the war.
How could both sides of your family be loyalists, when you’ve previously stated your family was East Berliners, saved by the welcome and open arms of the Russians?
I only wish that I were Russian. Back during the DNA craze I uploaded my autosomal sample to a website which purported to push ancestry further back and it said my ancestors were in Russia 10,000 years ago.
You previously posted out the Russians saved members of your family in Berlin, and so I knew I must have missed something when you posted both sides of yiyr family were loyalists. Ultimately, your family was extremely fortunate because loyalists who remained were dealt with quite harshly during and after the War.
My late mother in law, by second marriage, was German. But yes, the fate of the Loyalists may have been the great untold story of the war, although my gggg-grandfather gave at least as good as he got “The Celebrated and Notorious” Ned Turner - Journal of the American Revolution
I read that. Although I think it’s contains some facts, it also comes across as over the top. I try to avoid both extremes, not seeing the colonists/Americans as all righteous, or seeing them as all evil like this article. Real life isn’t like that. It’s interesting that your family were loyalists, and yet they stayed in the US and did not flee to Canada.
If you are not interested in what happened two centuries ago, why did you post in a thread about what happened two centuries ago?
Fun fact, not all the colonies did rebel. East Florida. West Florida , Nova Scotia among others didn't join the revolution and stayed with GB. Florida became part of Spain again for a while after the war (GA and FL were an international border for 40 years or so), and finally came to the US in 1821. Nova Scotia actually tried to get George Washington to support rebellion there but it was too late for a variety of reasons.
10,000 years ago there were no Russians. They could’ve been proto-Siberian people or perhaps Finno-Ugric peoples.