It would strengthen the Democrat ticket to help him get elected. Down the road (not too far) and he could step aside and she would become the first woman President.
Crooked Hillary. It might help trump remember the venom he spews. He says he no longer remembers leading chants of lock her up. he is either in serious dementia or thinks we are all to stupid to remember what he said in the past.
Unfortunately Hillary is toxic at this point even if much of what she said about Trump during the 2016 campaign and debates was prophetic. She'd also be a more effective President than either of our choices (granted it is a low bar) but I expect you'd see an immediate recoil from independents and moderate conservatives.
He could choose a lamp shade and it would be a better option than a ticket headed by a convicted felon.
Nah a placeholder for Barrack. While he didn't do much for race relations, hes head and shoulders better than Trump or Biden. Trump did some good things IMO but his baggage is just awful. He's just lucky there aren't a ton of stipulations to run and get elected for president or else he wouldn't even have a chance now. Also, she may have less "experience" but I'd be willing to bet Michelle would be 10x the VP that Harris is.
Who really cares? You want to apply some sort of rational or objective criteria......but your party is running an insurrectionist who tried to overturn an election.....who is also a convicted felon. The opinion of anyone who would either vote for THAT, or the criminal organization that supports and enables that, is simply irrelevant.
Doesn’t matter. And while she hasn’t held any titles, living in the whitehouse for 8 years she probably learned a thing or 2 about the job.
I'd like to know if Tulsi has ever supported late term abortions . Has she ever supported abortions that occur when the fetus/baby is sentient?