Unlike the liberals, on the board, I can call out a party that I support, when they are idiots. Conor McGregor is a douche bag himself. He has no business in the White House, much less in the Oval Office. Conor McGregor bashes Ireland over 'illegal immigration racket'
When are you calling out your own party by opening the doors, and allowing them to walk into the building. When are you going to admit, Pelosi denied the support of 10,000 National Guard. When you are going to admit, there were government informants in the crowd and it was one big set up.
Sorry, lying about what happened might work elsewhere, but not here. Also; looks like someone got a picture of people opening those doors.
"Traitor Derangement Syndrome" ? Yes, all Americans should be opposed to un-American traitors. You should give it a try! (Also; very witty reply. )
He gets a ton of mileage out of those 2 or 3 pictures. Then if you really want a laugh search the forum for the word felon and the member gator_joe, if it is possible to wear out a word I think he has done it. Maybe someday he will come up with some new material because it is boring reading the same old crap in all his posts.
Sorry - you need different evidence of your traitors, who were incited by your traitor, being traitors? Here ya go!! (Just let me know how many different pictures you want! )
Hey, both of them have been found in civil cases to have raped people. So they probably have a lot to talk about in terms of common interests.
I bet you didn't picture your life resulting in you being the guy defending rape on the Internet. It is a wild journey sometimes.
How about pictures of all those police officers who died? You know the ones that committed suicide or had strokes days after Jan 6th but are claimed as victims.
Your rapey political hero. Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Donald Trump, of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia
Accused isn't the correct word, in this case. Both of the subjects of this thread (Trump and McGregor) have been adjudicated by civil courts of having raped a woman. To be fair, "accused" could be used for a second case as of now in regards to McGregor.