LOL… click bait. This has zero specifics as to tangible gains Ukraine have actually made in the past few days. I’m surprised you would eat up a fluff piece like this. Russians have made small incremental gains in certain areas as well. It’s not worth talking about.
If there is nothing to see here then why is Russia pulling the nuclear threat card again? Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and current deputy chairman for Russia’s Security Council, warned in a post on Sunday on the social media site formerly known as Twitter that if Ukraine succeeds in retaking territory Moscow now claims as its own, “then we would have to … use the nuclear weapon.”
Ukraine’s 9th corps having been destroyed, it’s 10th corps in the process of self-immolation … The terrible truth about Ukraine's losses I thought, knowing the Ukrainian language, you can get obituaries through social networks. I put the search on tag words like "dead for Ukraine", "buried" ... I brought it to the programs so that there was a calculation on the Internet. And it quickly became clear that a lot of soldiers are dying in Ukraine. On average, about 400 obituaries per day, - said military expert Ruslan Tatarinov. - November last year was the peak. There, about 1100 obituaries for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were posted in one day. There were 900 a day... In total I counted 284,000 dead. This was posted a week ago. - Obituaries are published separately. As a rule, in local media and social networks. They are always visible. And it was enough to merge these sources. Everything is clearly visible. But how many others are lying in the fields, how many are missing, how many are not identified SITREP 8/1/23: The Hegemon Begins To Unravel
3-d printed bomb casings for under $4 each, add c-4, detonator, drone with a release clip and go play hide and seek. it would seem that this war would ahv eprovided the west an opportunity to deploy drone swarms teamed with AI to consistently map the battlefield and provide target acquisition. Maybe we just aren't that advanced yet or there was some other reason not to deploy it with local Ukr operators and remote computing power. Ukraine is 3D printing bombs to keep up with its battlefield demands, says report, with some costing as little as $3.85 ( Another volunteer group The Economist spoke to, the Wild Bees, is made up of non-Ukrainians. One of their Polish volunteers said he makes the non-explosive parts for a 27-centimeter-high bomb, which involves a nose cone, body, and tail, for less than $3.85 on a 3D printer that cost about $1,200. The group's leader in Latvia, Janis Ozols, told the outlet that he thinks at least 65,000 bombshells have been shipped from other parts of Europe into Ukraine since November 2022, with Ukrainian customs turning a blind eye, classing such shipments as children's toys or candle-holders, according to The Economist. Bigger 3D-printed bombs are also reportedly in use in Ukraine. A serviceman in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, where fighting is particularly intense, said 11-pound candy bombs have killed exposed infantry 65 feet away from where they fell. He also told the outlet that he thinks Ukraine's military is dropping around 200 different models and sizes of the bombs.
Ukraine has 14 different types of artillery systems, each with their own kind of ammunition. Hopefully, they have them segregated by region to make logistics easier.
I think the drop from the drone bombs are likely just separated by weight. That flexibility should make it easier to mass produce.
Other than this tweet, I haven’t found anywhere that she was appointed by Ukrainian gov as theirs official speaker. Is there another link for this?
She/he’s been a prominent in Ukraine/pro-Ukraine voice since the war began, basically everywhere. Recall that Zelensky’s official voice had to flee the country, for his life, for admitting that an apartment building had been destroyed by a fallen Ukrainian missile.
He confirms it on his own Twitter page with a link to the Ukraine MoD’s telegram account applauding his “accomplishments.” So yeah, I’d say it’s authentic.
The narrative is crumbling. This from one of the Zelensky regime’s most ardent cheerleaders … Ukrainian Troops Trained by the West Stumble in Battle
Ukraine reports that Russians on the southern front are starting to be overwhelmed, and they are starting to retreat. This is according to a former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, retired general Phillip Breedlove. Russian forces are overwhelmed as Ukraine steps up counteroffensive