“Economic sanctions are a marathon, not a sprint, and Russia and Russians will continue to be punished.” Ah, so we are waging war on the Russian people. We need to stop calling them sanctions and start calling it what it actually is; economic terrorism. From Afghanistan to Cuba, Syria to Iran and Yemen the US punishes people everyday for not aligning with its interests yet claims moral righteousness and that it values human life.
A good article from former US soldier who served on the Abrams…. “I didn't even have a car driver's license yet but here I was about to drive a 60 ton tank around a carefully planned course. I remember that the tank didn't feel at all cumbersome or slow. It jumped at the twist of your wrist, and turned nimbly at the slightest input of the t-bar steering column. The driver's seat is amazingly comfortable. Tactically, compared to even the most modern Russian T-90 tank (which is a substantial upgrade of a T-72 but still basically an older design with lots of foreign tech installed) an old M1 Abrams will be a revelation. Logistically, however, it may be more than a war ravaged country, fighting against a numerically superior force, can handle. In my personal opinion, the small number of M1s sent to Ukraine are more symbolic than anything. …..It does however lead the way for other countries to provide their own tanks” "I served on U.S. Army Abrams tanks—giving them to Ukraine is risky"
Recommend we delete this post. It sets a bad precedent. I’m not 100% positive my old lady would not have me rubbed out for the guarantee of a fur coat.
Don’t think that Russia doesn’t know this is what it’s up against. One of the primary reasons why your neocons are flummoxed by Putin’s popularity and Russia’s social cohesion.
I'd rather have to drive a Lada or be stuck with an I-Phone 10 than have my home bombed or my wife, sister and daughter raped by Russian war criminals.
Again I ask, why do I give a shit what Russia thinks? We should squeeze them economically until we like what they are doing or we keep squeezing.
Zelensky eventually fired his cabinet member who propounded the Russian mass-rape narrative. Apparently, some lies were too outlandish even for the Zelensky regime.
Russia is running out of time. Deficits are a problem. Exports dropping… And these guys are about to enter the game again. Tick tock Rooskies. Tick Tock. Global Sanctions Dashboard: How sanctions will further squeeze the Russian economy in 2023
While I agree with sanctions — as many as you can imagine — as part of a whole-of-government approach to defeating Russia, I truly dread that Ukraine does not have the time it will take for economic measures to be decisive. You and I both want to squeeze Russia. Where we might disagree is the amount of force to apply to that squeeze if we actually want Ukraine to win, not to just feel partially morally justified that we did not do nothing.
I had to go back and read Chem’s post first in order to understand what you actually meant by “rubbed out”.
I suppose that could go either way. So far I’ve come down on the winning side of that expression only. But it’s just a matter of time, isn’t it?