I just meant more confirmation on our end, of course the Russians would deny it even if it’s true. But if it’s true, those soldiers would be marked for death so they cannot be returned to Russia.
He probably did. The question is if his assumptions about protest sizes and frequency turn out to be right or wrong.
I think that has more to do with our voluntary military and the fact that no one here is asked to sacrifice anything they don't want to in a war effort. Its why we could maintain forces in Afghanistan for decades, not make any gains, and people are more upset by the withdrawal than the 20 years we spent there accomplishing virtually nothing and spending millions a day in the process, not to mention the hundreds of thousands killed or displaced. Its why we have a bunch of people here casually spouting off about war like they are playing a game of Risk.
1500 protesters arrested in different cities . Heavy police presence telling people they cannot gather. via news feed
It wouldnt be 'chess' or 'checkers' to get involved in a war with Russia or China, one at a time or at the same time. It would be a disaster for us and the world. Think about war being bad for America and humanity in general, not tactics or strategy.
And yet people on this site will brush it aside as NBD and still vote for this pathetic excuse for a human being.
Well, pump the brakes for a second. Let’s see what Trump actually said, full context, and not whatever Russia wanted to show its people. I don’t doubt that whatever Trump said was ill-advised and ill-timed as usual, but thin slice is that he wasn’t truly praising Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
There’s a slew of posts discussing it where he says we need to do the same thing on our southern border.
Oil guy here. This is a bad take. Keystone or any other crude product will not help to ease supply issues. US refineries are working at capacity with what we're currently producing. Further, Keystone's Canadian crude is far, far harder to properly refine than what we pump out of the Gulf, or even oil shales in Texas. Furthering construction is simply an inaccurate talking point. You're basically asking to bank "meh" hydrocarbons in holding tanks that'll take longer to refine than what's coming from better sources. If you want to increase supply to Europe, you'll have to convince US-based companies to snub China (where a lot of our hydrocarbons are contracted) and divert to Europe. Like UAE and other OPEC sources, it's contracted up. Another option is to reengage with Iran and add their oil to already existing infrastructure, but that'll ruffle some feathers in Washington... France is using Putin's belligerence as reason to fast track nuclear plants. Labor in UK and the Green Party in Germany (who hold substantial power in their Parliment) are pushing for serious efforts to wean off of Russian gas... which has to happen anyway.
And not surprising in the least. Good column by Max Boot regarding Trump's praise of Putin and the fellow travelers/useful idiots of Fox [not really] News. With his praise for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Trump makes his apologists look foolish. Again
I honestly have no idea what you are arguing with me about. I didn’t say we should get in a war with either party.
I didn’t say surprising. In fact, I believe I predicted that it would be used for RT propaganda when it happened.