Britain's defense chief delivers chilling nine-word message to Zelensky amid Trump fallout "The UK remains united for Ukraine," he said. The Defense Secretary wants to see a "durable peace that stops Russia simply reloading and re-invading". Mr Healey said Britain must "step up our military aid to Ukraine and keep them in the fight" until the conflict stops and talks begin. He also emphasizes the need to intensify detailed work on what future "security guarantees" could involve. Britain is preparing how it will defend Ukraine but Mr Healey does not expect UK forces to police a demilitarised zone running the length of the border, akin to the dividing line between North and South Korea. He said: "The border of Russia and Ukraine is 1,000km long. That old-style separation force or peacekeeping force is a non-starter in Ukraine and is not what may be required in the future. "How we prepare for those security guarantees is complex. It requires work with allies.
Speaking of ships sailing, even Lindsey Graham (9 visits to Ukraine since Feb 2022) is saying Zelenskyy needs to go.
And now that she has made her feeble utterances, this Trumppublican senator will vote exactly how Trump wants her to ........the next time there is a vote. (because she is part of a criminal organization)
That is a tiny strip of land. Has Russia ever done a successful amphibious operation? They have failed at far more simple tasks than this. Russia already lost most of their special forces soldiers in the opening months of the war. They seem to do much better with no opposition.
Not a catastrophic failure at all. We've propped up Ukraine for over three years, and they're still fighting. We've pushed Russia to the brink of economic collapse with inflation approaching double digits, and interest rates around 20%. We have minimized Russia's ability to profit from oil & gas sales. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been a catastrophic failure. What they thought would take a few weeks has taken three years and counting. They have lost huge numbers of personnel (including most of their special forces troops), and massive amounts of equipment (they are bringing WWII-era tanks out of movie studios to prepare them for war). And they've done a lot of damage to Russia's infrastructure, including oil refineries, weapons factories and depots. Russia has a severe shortage of manpower both to use in the fight against Ukraine, as well as to maintain the country's infrastructure and keep the economy functional. It seems that the idea of Ukraine failing at this war is some sort of a dream you have that seems like it will never be fulfilled. Sad. Pathetic, really.
Someone please explain how British and French soldiers on the ground in Ukraine is a “turn toward Russia.” You can’t, but entertain me.
If you haven't been keeping up with politics over the last 30 years, Lindsay Graham talks out of both sides of his mouth regularly. I've stopped keep track of his public positions on anything, because I'd get whiplash. Don't watch what he says, watch what he does (9 visits to Ukraine).
Yes, we export natural gas liquids because Russia's supplies of natural gas to Europe have been cut off due to the Ukrainian war. I don't think folks on the right understand that economy is benefitting from "giving" old weapons to Ukraine, because we build the replacements here for our military with the money we supposedly "give" them. Same with natural gas liquids, we are making bank selling them to Europe instead of Russia selling them natural gas. The war in Ukraine is actually in our security, economic, and geopolitical (deterring China) interest. The fact that this administration is cozying up to Russia tells you everything you need to know about what side THEY are on.
UK used to rule the world. Now it’s down to 40 functioning tanks … World War III Is Still On The Table: Europe Wants Boots On The Ground In Ukraine | ZeroHedge
Graham is a professional sycophant. He will suck up to anyone in power. If Biden is in power, he will visit Ukraine and support them. If Trump is in power, he will suck up to Trump and not visit or support Ukraine. He has no moral compass.
Trump’s “you can’t win without us” comment is incredibly naive given what Afghanistan freedom fighters, who started out with nothing more than 100 year old weapons, did to the Soviet Union. Trump is saying they can’t win while the Ukrainians are saying “Hold our Horilka and watch us.”
This is from Lindsey Graham, formerly craziest man on the planet and former best friend of Zelensky …