If Russia wanted to destroy Ukraine, they'd probably start with carpet bombing Kiev, targeting their power grid, and taking out bridges and major arteries. Instead, they're trying to subdue and conquer them (while preserving the infrastructure and value) but they simply do not have the military capability to do so. Thus we're to fear very scary Russia mowing through Ukraine...then Poland...then the rsst of Europe (while NATO and MADD somehow go ignored...)... (Or there's something else driving the mad panic of the global Left.....hmmmmm )
I made better points in the post you YAWNED at. Guess if it doesn't fit the script, it bores you. ....don't let me keep you from your impassioned pearl clutching. Carry on. You we're shitting your britches something about very scary Russia..
Naw, no clutching pearls (lol) I don’t like Russia and their attacking Ukraine. How they’ve murdered their citizens, imprisoned some, enslaved others, kidnapped their children, destroyed their infrastructure, etc. it’s called compassion. You should try it some time.
When we balance our budget, shut down our borders, reign in fentanyl deaths, and extract Chicom contamination in our institutions and leadership.... ill bleed blue n yeller... Until then, my compassion is running deficits on our actual own.
That would be nice but it’s not going to happen and hasn’t in the history of the US. Can it get better,,, yes. However, there’s more than just internal issues that are important to the US. fwiw. I don’t think giving outdated arms to Ukraine is going to hurt our budget or deficit. Those are just excuses.
I actually agree with you H. Our army navy surplus isn't going to break us (though the $200 billion is overboard); Russia invading Ukraine was not warranted (as far as I can tell, though i own there is a counter argument that may have merit); ...where we diverge, is the degree to which i care about this war, vs many in this thread, including you, and most Dems. It registers very low on my hierarchy of concerns. East. Of. NATO. What's the point of NATO, if we're gratuitously extending NATO's tentacles east of NATO's eastern most border??? ....speaking of borders--all the while ours is getting penetrated more than a New Orleans whore house during Mardi Gras. Imagine how far that same 200 Billion (not M but B) could have gone to shoring up our own border...
Rut row… Zelenskyy suggests 'hot phase' of Ukraine war could end in return for NATO membership if offered - even if seized land isn't returned immediately
Russia has to pay a price if Putin wants to keep the territory they have gained in a peace deal. Ukraine already is more NATO-ized then some NATO members at this point. Any deal is going to have +/- for Putin. If Ukraine is not admitted to NATO, then there is nothing to stop Ukraine from conducting operations against the Russians along the "border" for the next 5 to 10 years. That is going to tie up the majority of Russia's land forces in the West that are already significantly under strength due to the war over the last three years. If Ukraine is admitted into NATO, then every NATO member is going to be a restraining force on Ukraine. They are not going to want Ukraine to do anything that would result in Russia taking an action that could result the invoking of Article 5. That could mean that Russia does not have to have as many troops along the border with Ukraine.
The West installed Zelensky is a pretender. Ukraine will never be part of NATO. The USA will pull out all of its operatives, and Ukraine will have a national election. Then, on to Syria.
Especially not with NATO encompassing all of Ukraine, with Russia already there. That's retroactively starting WW III.
Russia would trade the land grab for assurances Ukraine would stay out of NATO before they’d accept the terms you are suggesting. That is the essence of why Russia is in these areas to begin with.