The current admin is completely terrified of escalation. There is no way they are going to authorize any US direct strike on Russian soil.
And that's the problem. They play right into Putin's hands with this. He's always going to use their (and our) better nature against us, which is why you need to stand tall and force him to clarify that position to the world at large. "So, in your opinion Vlad, sending arms to a nation that was unilaterally attacked by its neighbor is cause for Global Thermonuclear War? Would you like to explain that to the rest of the world?"
I can see Trump removing Ukraine’s life support because he doesn’t like losers. Otherwise - and never mind Trump - the US (and the West) is in no position to dictate to Russia militarily or politically. I predict the war will continue until the Kyiv regime collapses.
Ukraine has started sinking Russian ships in the Caspian Sea, after destroying Russia's navy in the Black Sea. This might discourage weapons shipments from Iran. After bludgeoning Russia's navy in the Black Sea, Ukraine is now going after a new batch of warships
top russian general running their torture centers has been killed Ukraine conflict: Top Russian general linked to camps killed General Pavel Klimienko, commander of the 5th Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade, was killed in Ukraine. According to foreign media, his brigade has several locations in Donetsk where torture is practiced, described by witnesses as a "concentration camp." Russian brigade created a concentration camp At the same time, in April, Klimienko's fighters allegedly tortured Vladimir Frolov, a music teacher with a third-degree disability, who was mobilized despite his poor health. Frolov tried to apply for a discharge from service but ended up in so-called torture cells controlled by Klimienko's brigade. Unfortunately, he died. The family had to bury him in a closed coffin due to severe body damage. In August 2024, the Astra site published an investigation revealing the brutal practices of the commanders of the 5th Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade named after Alexander Zakharchenko. Commanders were forcing subordinates into brutal actions through torture and systematically profiting from the war in Ukraine. According to sources gathered by "The Insider," in the Donetsk area, particularly in the Petrovsky district, this brigade operates several locations intended for torture, which are described as a "concentration camp with a torture conveyor belt."
Wait, are you suggesting the US first strike Russian military bases over something that happened months ago and not on US soil?
Britain continues to ramp up sanctions. surprised/disappointed that there is still room to cut Devastating Strike: UK Targets African Mercenaries and Russia’s Military In a significant escalation, the United Kingdom has announced its largest sanctions package against Russia since May 2023. With 56 new sanctions, the UK is directly targeting key parts of Russia’s military-industrial complex, aiming to disrupt the flow of vital resources that the Kremlin relies on for its illegal war in Ukraine.The latest measures are focused on hitting Russian military production and restricting the supply of critical equipment and materials that have helped sustain Russia’s war machine, including support for Russian-backed mercenaries operating in Africa. These sanctions are strategically aimed at weakening Russia’s ability to manufacture and maintain its military operations, including its mercenary groups. Companies across several countries—particularly in China, Turkey, and Central Asia—are now on the UK’s sanctions list. These companies have been involved in supplying Russia with essential technologies, including machine tools, microelectronics, and drone components. .................................... Among the most significant actions in this sanctions package is the UK’s decision to sanction Africa Corps, a Russian-backed mercenary group operating across sub-Saharan Africa. This is the first time a Russian mercenary group has been directly targeted by the UK. Africa Corps, along with other private mercenary groups, has been involved in spreading instability and undermining security in African countries such as Libya, Mali, and the Central African Republic (CAR). These groups have been known for exploiting the fragile security situations in these nations, often with the aim of gaining control over valuable natural resources.
I’m very anti Russia/putin but that seems like a good thing to be concerned about. It’s a risky gamble that Putin doesn’t use one of his thousands of nukes.
Let's watch a few hundred thousand more Ukrainians and Russians die so butter prices remain high in Russia.
There should be consequences for planning, financing and organizing terrorist attacks, don't you think? Russia is already on severe sanctions, so that avenue is closed. Whether it occurs on U.S. soil or not is irrelevant. It was an attempted terrorist attack on U.S. citizens and U.S. interests. The attack was done under Putin's authorization, and he is still in charge over there, so the timeline is irrelevant. It will be up to Putin whether he wants to expand the war to defend his "right" to conduct terrorist operations against other countries or not. We have certainly bombed other countries for conducting terrorist attacks in the past.
Putin knows he doesn't have to explain anything to the rest of the world. Most of the rest of the world, except for a few dictators and idiots, are offended by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Putin told his lies at the outset of the invasion, and it was clear to anyone with a brain that they were, in fact, lies. He does need to explain things to the mothers of soldiers who get maimed or killed, and to the grandmothers who can't afford butter and eggs due to sanctions and sky-high inflation. Anyone else, Putin can just ignore or have killed.
Sure there should be something done, but bombing their military installations? Seems like the Brits decided more sanctions were an option but you think attacking Russian bases are a better choice. And Trump was gonna get us into WW 3 in 2016. Good way to start WW3. Curious why Biden hasn’t done anything yet.
Yeah, but nukes are a bridge too far. Even Xi has made that clear. Least you can do is frame it correctly and not let him play his games.
You can't live in fear of what might happen. Once you do that, Putin can have whatever he wants, because if you oppose him, he might nuke you. A limited action that is directly tied to Putin's terroristic activities would be highly unlikely to cause nuclear war. My guess is that Putin would learn his lesson, and stop terrorist attacks against the U.S.
Biden administration lifts the ban against U.S. military contractors working in Ukraine. They will be used to maintain weapons systems that were provided by the U.S. Good move.
Afghanistan says "Hi". Here, if you don't want to guess how the "progressive mind works", if only temporarily:
It's going to be hard for Putin to profit from this war if his generals keep trying to profit from the war. Makes you long for the good old days when Russian soldiers were stealing washing machines.
Ukraine sends 13 drones into a Russian chemical plant in Tula (120 miles south of Moscow) that made explosives. An orange cloud (most likely nitrous oxides) can be seen in the drone photo.