Russia will take what it wants. The US and Ukraine are responsible for this war. Who would agree with that minority opinion? The smartest thinkers: Henry Kissinger RIP, Stephen F. Cohen (Princeton, NYU) RIP, JOohn Mearsheimer (Univ of Chicago), former CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson, strategic thinkers Kacques Baud (Switzerland), Glenn Diesen (Norway) and Greg Copley, Russiani military expert Andrei Martysnov (US), Eurasian/Middle East Rockstar journalist/analyst Pepe Escobar, the amazing Moon of Alabama blog and the #1 foreign policy podcast in the West: The Duran. Russia didn't enter Ukraine until they started slaughtering civilians with artillery fire. Russia was concerned about US sponsored biolabs. Russia was also concerned that Ukraine was developing nuclear weapons. Remember, Russia lost 25 or 30 million people in WW2. Ukraine has a significant neofascist element. Ukraine was becoming an existential threat. It's being neutralized
Amazing the way people tut-tut Russian assertions that this is an existential war, especially since Biden, Blinken and Austen said the quiet part aloud two years ago, that Putin needs to be ousted and his country weakened. Never mind Putin, Russians know that they are in a war against the West, principally the U.S.
Ukrainian fighter thinks he’s going to get a pass for having a leg blown off. Wait until the regime learns he’s still got one good leg …
It describes you (for over two years) aptly. But my favorites from you are Russian troops subsisting on zoo animals vying with Russia losing more than twice the troops it had ever had in theater at the time.
chemgstour touts the Institute for the Study of War as a "recognized subject authority. "Russian military expert and historian Andrei Martyanov last week,: The ISW doesn't study war, it writes narratives."
Ukrainian pin pricks on Russian oil refineries only hastening far heavier Russian strikes on Ukrainian energy grid. Ukraine passes new conscription act. It’s almost as if Ukraine is willing to sacrifice what’s left of its country - and a generation of men - for the glory of killing a few tens of thousands of Russians.
After the Moscow terrorist attack Russia is proceeding aggressively to turn off the light in Ukraine. No lights. No electricity. Natural gas infrastructure obliterated. Factories shutting down. People will start to leave. Russia will continue to debate the Ukrainian army with artillery and massive bombs. The mushy ground will harden and Russia will launch it's offensive. Over/Under for when Okraine surrenders is September 15, 2024.
Ukraine hemorrhaging troops so badly that the U.S. is reportedly in talks with jailed Mexican cartel members to pay them to fight for Ukraine …