i agree. when comparing aid by gdp we've dropped down the list. but Europe just doesn't have the capabilities we do when it comes to armaments. Russia isn't as formable as anticipated, but they are still a big country, large GDP, and they're going into war production mode. Europe just can't keep up. Maybe we help with armaments, and Europe helps with keeping Ukraine society from collapsing. when we do send armaments a lot of it is our older inventory. And more recent missiles we send are produced in this country. for example, we sent then a few 100 Viet Nam era APCs. M113s
Russia had 140 of their Su-34 fighter jets. Ukraine claims to have shot down 35, which is 25%. How many Su-34 fighter bombers does Russia have left?
Czech this out: the Russians would have more resources to continue invading eastern European countries after invading Ukraine, according to the Czechs. Wonder where I heard that before? Ukraine's defeat will provide Russia with resources for new "special military operations" – Czech Foreign Affairs chief
The Russians are finding new ways to damage or destroy their own military equipment. Maybe they get bonuses based on the number of pieces of equipment they damage? This time: bad driving. A Russian Pantsir air defense system was rounding a corner too fast in Sochi and it turned over onto its side. Someone get this driver a drink! Watch: Russian air-defence system overturns on road
Russia will be out of missiles by this time next week. Also, on an unrelated note, I just saw Bigfoot.
Putin is working on his popularity in Russia. Tax increases are on the way. Putin announces tax increases for Russians
More evidence on how the Kremlin is controlling the minds of republican simpletons to get them riled up about the dangers of immigrants from Mexico. If only Trump-loving republicans weren't so ignorant... Russian disinformation is about immigration. The real aim is to undercut Ukraine aid
All Ive seen as far as a admission to what weapon was they were using old russian Sams but they were coy about the method of identifying and targeting the jets
Russia loses 920 soldiers and 3 aircraft in one day Russian forces have lost 920 service personnel, 30 armoured combat vehicles, 17 tanks and 3 aircraft over the past day. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The total combat losses of the Russian forces between 24 February 2022 and 1 March 2024 are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: approximately 414,680 (+920) military personnel; 6,610 (+17) tanks; 12,582 (+30) armoured combat vehicles; 10,106 (+36) artillery systems; 1,000 (+0) multiple-launch rocket systems; 691 (+1) air defence systems; 345 (+3) fixed-wing aircraft; 325 (+0) helicopters; 7,794 (+26) strategic and tactical UAVs; 1,912 (+0) cruise missiles; 25 (+0) ships and boats; 1 (+0) submarines; 13,206 (+54) vehicles and tankers; 1,611 (+10) special vehicles and other equipment.
I would also give Fox News some credit for dumbing down the population of ignorant republicans. It would be too embarrassing to admit that they were manipulated successfully by a foreign power (and a U.S. enemy at that), so ignorant republicans will continue with their false narrative and pretend it has nothing to do with Russian propaganda. Putin is just too smart for them, and they are just too dumb for international politics. They should probably stick to neighborhood politics. "Get off my lawn!"
Russian armored brigade destroyed on "The Road of Death" in Donetsk. A total of 23 Russian tanks and IFV's were destroyed. New footage appears to show 23 Russian tanks and IFVs destroyed on a 'road of death' by Ukrainian paratroopers
The Brits believe that Russia has stopped flying its A-50 early warning aircraft after they lost the last one. Combined with the loss of so many S-300 and S-400 air defense systems, Russia certainly appears to be well on its way to losing the air war. So soon after losing the war at sea . . . I'm looking forward to seeing what the F-16's can do under these circumstances. Should be interesting. UK Defense Ministry: Russia likely grounds its A-50 aircraft fleet