That was almost a century ago, let it go. Hitler isn’t coming back. Also since he was born out of a war of various nationalistic states competing it’s probably best to avoid another WWI type event. Humiliating Russia is just as likely to produce a ‘new Hitler’ as anything else.
The article i referenced wasn’t talking about the beginning of the war. It referenced 2023 numbers. 2 years into the war and Spain increased their LNG imports from russia? Spain France and Belgium are all STILL buying LNG from the very country we are being told is a clear and present danger to Europe itself ? We have vast amounts of LNG and could supply ALL of the needs for Spain, France and Belgium but we don’t. .
Let me know when Biden announces a LNG deal to supply all of the needs for Spain France and Belgium all of who still import LNG from Russia today, 2 years into the war. I’m all for updating our hardware and that certainly doesn’t need to be tied to a border deal or Israeli or Ukrainian aid.
We do not have spare export capacity and they are building export terminals as fast as they can. Meanwhile Europe is increasing their renewable production and decreasing their nat gas consumption so spending billions on more export terminals may not be a good long term investment if counting on European market. Article references first quarter of 2023 or 1 year into the war.
So give Putin Crimea, then give him Ukraine, then yield Moldova, likely a couple of Baltic States, but surely we don't want to hurt or humiliate him so he'd leave the Czechs alone... maybe. Ukraine is currently stopping another WW event, we need to make certain they are successful.
Massive Explosion Hits Russian Plant Making Nuclear Capable ICBMs ( Apowerful explosion was reported in Russia's Udmurt Republic at a weapons plant that produces nuclear weapons components and ballistic missiles, local media reported on Wednesday. Residents shared videos of the blast that is reported on social media platform Telegram to have occurred on the grounds of the Votkinsk weapons factory. The factory is located some 30 miles from the capital of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk. The weapons factory produces nuclear weapons components and ballistic missiles, including the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), and strategic ballistic missiles for the Topol-M and Iskander systems, the Kyiv Post reported. The incident was reported by Russian state-run news agency Tass, which said a local emergency services agency announced that the blast was caused by "a scheduled test of rocket engines," calling it "a planned event, not an emergency."
We wait until he sacks Taylor Swift. That would be unacceptable. Winston Churchill routinely sacked and replaced both top generals and civilian military leaders during WWII. England was still on the winning team.
Oil refinery blazes in Krasnodar Krai ( "According to the ESS (Emergency Situations Service) of the Siversky district, around 2 a.m. on February 9, a fire broke out at the Il'sk oil refinery," the regional operational headquarters reported. Fires in Russia Earlier, we reported on a fire in a residential building in Moscow, which affected an area of over 4,000 square meters. We also mentioned an explosion on a gas pipeline in Perm Krai, Russia, on February 8, resulting in a fire and casualties. Additionally, on February 7, a fire broke out at a precast concrete plant in Belgorod, Russia. Authorities in Russia described it as a strike.
So did Lincoln, Hitler and Stalin, so what's your point? Usually its not a sign of things going well for you.
We gave Ukraine our written assurances we would defend them if they were attacked when we convinced them to give up their nuclear arsenal. Our word has to mean something.
I think the longer we stay invested as there is no resolution (which could lead to more direct intervention) or just let things evolve as the appetite for aid diminishes, either scenario is more likely to trigger a WW event than if a resolution is reached where Ukraine can keep some of its sovereignty vs. none, when aid is cut off due to politics and Putin ends up with everything.
Well I notice no one is comparing Putin to Ghengis Khan or the Sassanid Empire, so apparently there is
Our word doesnt mean anything, we are currently supporting Israel doing their Russia impersonation (to a more deadly effect) as it stands. There are no principles at stake here, just power plays.
Is a stalemate worse than the alternative? Russia cannot win an economic war of attrition against western free market economies. Their only advantage is willingness to kill more, suffer more and throw their own soldiers and conscript bodies into the meat grinder. Also of course that Ukraine generally has not gotten offensive weaponry, a restriction put on them by western powers. Russia can lob missiles deep into Ukranian territory and hit civilian cities way off the frontlines (often with no apparent objective, so basically terrorism). Ukraine can only defend itself or try to attack Russian held parts of Ukraine. Russia can potentially win a propaganda war utilizing short attention spans and creating divisions in societies with open debate (a thing that does not exist in Russia). They can use dishonest “influencers” and right wing political hacks with agendas. They can backdoor control politicians in Ukraine (which is what they had before Zelensky). This is their only means of furthering their objectives, there is no movement on the front lines. So why is the onus on Ukraine to surrender rather than Russia to… stop their invasion? Some of the Russian propoganda fails even the most basic logic. It’s pretty sickening to see some western journalists play the role of messenger for that nonsense (not that anyone would accuse Tucker of actually being a journalist).