Whatever. I didn't ask you what Western media thinks, I asked what YOU thought about Russia destroying historically and culturally significant places/artifacts/ structures.
Awesome movie. (yes, Hitler sought to preserve them so he could re-locate them to Germany and capture for 'the 3rd Reich'--not for altrusitic reasons--but he still sought to preserve irreplacable relics. That's by no means any attempt to defend him otherwise, but if he had recklessly or maliciously sought to destroy them for leverage--as Russia appears to be doing--the world would have lost inumberealbe historical and cultural treasures). fwiw.
I firmly believe Hitler would have ordered the destruction of all those treasures before letting them get back into Allied hands. There's a reference to the destruction of museums, etc. at the beginning of the movie trailer.
Good point. I'd forgotten that--the reason they deployed the mission in the first place... Might have to watch it again to refresh the memory....
Let’s try another angle. Were you grinding your teeth when we invaded Iraq, destroying innumerable cultural treasures along the way, expressly to find the WMD that we clearly pulled out of our asses ?
First of all, we let Hussein remain in power under the terms of permitting UN to investigate for WMD bc he has used them on his ppl--,he played shell games for 10 yrs b4 9/11. So no, wmd was not culled from our asses--just not born put. Secondly, we did not target such sites, but sought to attack around them. Russia is surgically targeting and attacking these places, leaving neighboring buildings standing. If we'd destroyed everything, there'd been nothing left for ISIS to target and destroy like Russia doing in ukr.
So were the WMD ever found ? And the people in the pictured countries were probably happy to know we tried to spare their museums …
Lol! Shall I post b4 n after pics of all the countries the Soviets destroyed to consume their resources bc they couldn't produce any of their own? Pics of the 21 millon Russians Stalin laid waste to, in order to consolidate power? How far back you wanna go to avoid talking about Russia, today?
The U.S. did more during the Iraq invasion to protect Iraq's cultural treasures than any other invading army in history. In fact, more damage and looting was done by Iraqis than by the U.S. military.
How about "unnecessary invasion" bad, or "torture centers" bad, or Geneva Convention violations" bad? Any of that work for you?
Russia's laser-guided weapons: defeated. Low clouds have caused Russia's laser-guided weapons to fall harmlessly to the ground. That's a shame . . . Russia's laser-guided weapons are being frustrated by low clouds that are stopping them from hitting their targets, UK intel says (yahoo.com)
Ukraine to receive 60 Gepard anti-aircraft weapons systems from Jordan by way of the U.S. US purchases 60 Gepard anti-aircraft guns from Jordan to send to Ukraine (yahoo.com)
You invoked US--> Iraq to justify Russia --> Ukraine. US invades Iraq twice--first to liberate Kuwait in '91, after Iraq invaded and pillaged Kuwait; then again in the wake of 9/11, after getting cheap shot by an unknown terrorist group, and every reason to believe it was a proxy hit. And Iraq stood out front n center as prime suspect bc Hussein tried b4 in '93 yo the out the Twin Towers (the identities of the 93 bombers were faked and many were supposedly Kuwaiti--while no one in Kuwait had any reason to have a beef with us, while Iraq took control of the passport office in wake of its invasion in 90...). In any event--after TWO (2) invasions, we somehow left enough untouched, that when ISIS took control....there was a plethora of historical treasures left over for them to destroy. How do you suppose that could have happened? Btw...what tune will you be singing when the ukes take out the Kremlin? ...and other historical structures in Russia?