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Violent thugs and hooligans brutally attack police officers in D.C.

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by orangeblue_coop, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. GatorRade

    GatorRade Rad Scientist

    Apr 3, 2007
    Indeed. Though those people would probably say (and already are saying) the same about the looting associated with BLM protests.
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  2. intimigator1

    intimigator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Male' Maldives
    Guess what? BLM protestors were arrested on the spot and not politely. That woman was shot in the neck because she did a very stupid thing but go ahead and martyr her because she was so innocent climbing through a window where armed police were. Oh and I am so sure you defended all the black guys and gals that have been killed by police right? You were all over that I am soooo sure! Give me a break.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    Oh, so now people can be shot for doing very stupid things? Even when they're unarmed.

    Interesting. I'll remember that.
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  4. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    He's desperately trying to show that the left is just as bad as these Trumper domestic terrorists are. It's very important to him. Sadly, the coming weeks, months and years are going to show just how wrong 715 is in trying to equate these terrorists to the BLM movement.
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  5. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    well known libbie rag.
  6. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    They are being arrested at their homes after being allowed to leave freely.

    Are you talking about the traitor who was trying to bust down a door?
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  7. intimigator1

    intimigator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Male' Maldives
    What should be interesting is that BLM was about fellow Americans being choked, shot in the back, shot in their homes, shot for jogging where this "patriot" was trespassing in a federal building and had to break down a window to attempt to enter a secure area with armed police in front of her and a mob behind her. She did all she could do to find her life in peril and so she was successful in that end. Stupid is clearly a term one would use for doing what she did.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  8. mutz87

    mutz87 p=.06

    Aug 30, 2014
    I'll save a long response for another time and just say this, they'd be largely wrong. Basically a false equivalency that ignores the underlying qualitative reasons that drive BLM and what they want. Though they aren't necessarily wrong for calling out rioting and looting (but I think many miss the mark in their criticisms).
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    What if she, say, charged an armed police officer after repeated warnings of standing down?

    What if she went into her car and armed herself after repeated warnings to stop?

    Would you call such situations justified shootings?
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 4
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  10. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    Wow. From the sedition tent.
  11. intimigator1

    intimigator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Male' Maldives
    What if she say broke into a federal building and thought highly of her revolution and broke a window in an attempt to harm other people and say was confronted by police doing their jobs by protecting elected officials and their staffs? How about that before you get into anymore games of "what if". Your argument is lame dude! Very lame and shameful that you just don't get it.
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    PITBOSS GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 13, 2007
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  13. GatorRade

    GatorRade Rad Scientist

    Apr 3, 2007
    I don’t disagree. My main point is that is that constructing a simple cut and dried rule that will convince someone for when they are on the wrong side is tough even when the situation seems cut and dried.

    Look at some of the right leaning comments on here...my other choice was Hillary, and therefore I had no choice. Hillary would have been even worse.
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    PITBOSS GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 13, 2007
    that was before they went on stage to encourage the violence.
  15. orangeblue_coop

    orangeblue_coop GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 19, 2016

    MAGA terrorists finding out theyre on the no fly list for storming Capitol
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  16. orangeblue_coop

    orangeblue_coop GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 19, 2016
    What was she doing to get shot?
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  17. SeabudGator

    SeabudGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 23, 2014
    I agree with the last line. However, can you not see the difference between saying "no JUSTICE, no peace" and people looking to overthrow a democratic election? One asks for justice after 250 years of mistreatment, threatening insurgency if justice is not obtained. The other simply says "I disagree with democracy and want to overthrow it."

    And then you simply lie, unless you do not consider obama and biden "liberals". You say every liberal condoned or excused the violence at protests this summer, but both absolutely condemned it (I provided cites in previous quotes). And it is a lie that every conservative has condemned the violence when Trump issued a tepid statement during the violence and then condemned it days later with the caveat of repeating the lies that fomented the violence. Plenty of OAN and fox people have excused the violence as well. You always fail to distinguish that BLM seeks equality/justice and suffers from unassociated violence from looters or antifa, while the march on the capital was organized by the RNC and President.

    Finally, STOP conflating BLM and Antifa unless you wish me to conflate all trump supporters with white supremacists (at this point in responding to you, I invoke a favorite axiom of mine - "never argue with an idiot, because they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."). If you cannot distinguish blm, with its stated mission of equality and justice, from antifa, you are absurdly biased or ignorant.
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  18. lacuna

    lacuna VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    Freshman Congresswoman Boebert is 33 and represents my district out here on Colorado's Western Slope. The campaign to elect her was bitterly fought from the time she entered the primary and defeated the Republican incumbent, Scott Tipton.

    She owns a restaurant/pub called Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. The wait staff open carries firearms and last year management resisted closing and opposed requiring the wait staff to wear masks. She first made a name for herself in Trump circles in 2019 when she drove across the state to attend a Beto O’Rourke presidential rally in Aurora. Open-carrying a gun and standing in a sea of Democrats, she challenged the candidate’s position on gun safety.

    Boebert was a high school dropout but acquired a GED last May after some criticism of that lack. She ran against and defeated Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush, a retired sociology professor with several post graduate degrees. Mitsch Bush had served in Colorado's House of Representatives prior to running against Boebert.

    At the very least Boebert needs to be recalled.
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  19. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    They still love him. They don't care about Democracy. They care about power.
    If they could get rid of elections, they would. Their hope now is to control the House and Senate and if a Dem wins the presidency, not accept the electors.

    2/3 of the House GOP voted for that this time.

    Don't underestimate what these people, including the posters here and elsewhere, stand for.

    All the justification they need are the lies we have been hearing since early November.
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  20. mutz87

    mutz87 p=.06

    Aug 30, 2014
    To be fair, I think he got the idea from elsewhere and it was more at a superficial indicator. Like here, he posted for discussion.

    Truth is, as we get out toward the margins, it's definitely not cut & dried. It's complex and full of contradiction.