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Victor Davis Hanson Comparison of US Now and the Soviet Union Then

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by ETGator1, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Victor Davis Hanson accurately describes what is going on now with Biden, the lamestream media, and the US as compared to Brezhnev's Soviet Union:

    Our Brezhnev, our Pravda, our Soviet Union... (townhall.com)

    By Brezhnev's late 60s and early 70s, he was too ill to travel abroad or make public appearances. Indeed, his debility left the Soviet Union without a real leader for the final six or seven years of his tenure.

    Brezhnev got away with it because the Soviet state-controlled media doctored photos and videos to attest to his supposedly vigorous health and constant hands-on involvement.

    "Journalists" sent out false communiques. They spun narratives that Brezhnev was robust, hale, and working long hours on behalf of the Russian people. Any dissenting journalists who sought to report the true, sad state of affairs were in danger of losing their jobs, freedom -- or even their lives.

    Instead, the "reporters" of Pravda ("Truth"), the official print megaphone of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, wrote lies about Brezhnev's busy workdays. Pravda's handlers spun fables about the respect (and fear) the rest of the world held for such a dynamic leader -- even as Brezhnev became an ill virtual recluse.
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  2. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Except for how the top 20 stories on any site are about Biden’s decline, his own party is publicly poo-canning him, and the state of the country is essentially the exact opposite of the Soviet Union’s end, this is exactly the same.
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  3. sierragator

    sierragator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    and you won't get hauled off to the gulag for daring to criticize Biden. Other than that, virtually identical. Genius observation by the author of the article. :rolleyes:
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  4. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    ...now that his utility has been exhausted, and he has become a liability to *THE* Party.
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  5. ursidman

    ursidman VIP Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    Bug Tussle NC
    Was hired to do a job (return to normalcy), so yeah.
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  6. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    Well, the OP will surely trigger a few folks on this board.

    The similarities are extremely concerning to any objective, right-minded American.
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  7. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    So Trump is the aging Andropov and going to drop dead of kidney failure 2 years into his term?
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  8. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Funny to think that New Soviet Union is engaged in a proxy war with New Russia.
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  9. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Donald Trump never had utility and he has become *THE* Party.... but keep carrying that water!
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  10. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Not gulags, but conservatives have been hauled off to prison as political prisoners as the FBI KGB raids homes threatening entire families at gun point without being given their constitutional rights of due process. Just because it's your side doing it and it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it's not being done and won't continue to happen on bigger scales with Biden or continued with whomever is Biden's replacement after the democratic socialist communist party figures out a way to pay off the Biden crime family, err Biden. The myth is Biden is a decent man which he is not and has never been.
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  11. avogator

    avogator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Why can't these right wing nuts admit Victor Hanson is well past his prime and ignore his senile musings.
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  12. ursidman

    ursidman VIP Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    Bug Tussle NC
    Arrest warrants and search warrants are part of due process even for conservatives
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  13. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Actually that's what we can expect during a second Trump term. Trump and the Heritage Foundation through its Project 2025 have made no secret that one of their goals is to turn the FBI into Donald Trump's personal police force and if there is any doubt as to what Trump would do with that power keep in mind that he is obsessed with retribution. From an analysis of Project 2025:
    Give Trump power to investigate his opponents: Project 2025 would move the Justice Department, and all of its law enforcement arms like the FBI, directly under presidential control. It calls for a “top-to-bottom overhaul” of the FBI and for the administration to go over its investigations with a fine-toothed comb to nix any the president doesn’t like. This would dramatically weaken the independence of federal law enforcement agencies. “There’s going to be an all-out assault on the Department of Justice and the FBI,” said Galston, of Brookings. “It will mean tight White House control of the DOJ and FBI.”
    Summary of Project 2025
    Trump Ally Exposed for Horrific Hit List of Political Enemies
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  14. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Ya, but if we elect the rapey traitor who accepted help in an election from Russia, we'll instantly un-Soviet Unionize ourselves, and America will be great again again.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Is there a strategy to this?

    Blather obviously stupid bullshit so much that the merely incorrect stuff may seem reasonable by subconscious comparison?

    Have to just do with this poster what the entire world should have done with Trump from Day 1 : nothing you say is correct, most of it is outright lies, and none of it deserves any consideration whatsoever.
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  16. sierragator

    sierragator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Soviet Union: a one party system, totalitarian rule. If the US were a carbon copy of that there would be no GOP and posters like you would be in labor camps. Tell us again how OPPRESSED you are!!!! Gimme a break.
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  17. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Probably because he still knows the head of Ukraine is President Zelensky.
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  18. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Leave it to tainted judges to issue warrants on demand to the KGB similar to FISA court judges rubber stamping DOJ wrongdoing in spying on Americans including Trump.
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  19. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    If it is what is expected and happens, that will be okay as it is you being screwed, not me. It has already been happening under Biden and you don't care so don't start caring when the shoe is on the other foot.
  20. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    So the FBI has searched the homes pf conservatives without warrants and has threatened their entire families? Provide some examples.
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