Morning all you wonderful peeps. I am just waiting for Gator SportShop to send me another email offering 15% off of the new GC Legendary Thread T-shirt
I was an original member of The Bongarillos softball team (dorm league champs 1975, independent UF champs 1978 when I played with them) so this might be my second claim to fame at UF. (I also saw Chris Collinsworth throw a 99 yd. TD pass against Houston. WOOHOO!!).
Here are videos for those who haven’t seen. They are broken into three different ones. some natural jiggle there, might not be implants. And check this gal (Diana Maux) out: And what she does to get there: & Bonus pic
Thank you for saying it as well, anything that would let fellow posters know "hey, this is sarcastic" sure would clear up some things around here!
Can we agree not to post video or photos that make you puke? not cool. Especially first thing in the morning.
It looks like whoever took this video was hiding in a tree, nobody can say that we aren't passionate about our Gators.
Is there a readers digest version of the last 80 pages available? (FIFY) Sure: -We're gonna hire CK -Well, maybe -Lots of pics of demure UF clad coeds rootin' for CK and comments about same -Rainin' on our parade - 200 pages! 200! -Ze plane, Ze plane -There's a live stream !!!!! and somewhere between 130 (WWL) and 24,000,000 (POTUS tweet) Gators watching!! -They turned ON the lights -Back to "super hot" (although the title of the thread is still . . . ) -Press conference tomorrow today at 11 (maybe) . . . and you missed some very funny $hi* related to the you tube live feed chat.
If you think about it, after watching that video the next response would be something along the lines of the gif.....
There's nothing new under the sun. (Just reading my Bible to pass the time. Ecclesiastes is so pessimistic.)