Problem with color scheme was the blue Gators script on the helmet. Should have went with orange. Dark blue against black isn't visible beyond 10 yards. Disclaimer: I was against the whole black uni idea in the first place. Just an observation from row 29.
The black lids were sick. The uniforms blah because it had the cheesy positioning of the Gators script on the front. I’m having a custom speed flex helmet made for my collection. I have every alternate helmet we’ve worn since the 2006 Alabama 100th anniversary of Florida football game.
Someone better get in touch with the DoD and tell them to pack up the military. Worse defeat than Cannae and Austerlitz combined.
Stop with the gimmicky unis. This isn’t Project Runway! With the exception of wearing Blue for TN and Orange for UK, just stop telling us what color to wear. We know our colors. I don’t see Alabama doing this. This is Florida football; or at least it’s supposed to be. That product has been MIA for way too long. Players/coaches, until you get your collective stuff together, you don’t need/have the right to dictate the uni. BN….ditch the Johnny Cash look. You knew the colors when you signed. Same for the players. And this number thing…..if an upperclassman has a freshman’s desired number…….tough. Get in line and wait your turn for # to become available. There are plenty to choose from.
I see the idiots wearing black hoodies on 95* days in the summer. WHO CARES what they think? I'm not even sure they care what they think.
But. . . but. . . but . . . you might miss out on the latest and greatest 18yo hype factory. Gotta show that you can coddle with the best of them! Step up your coddle game or get left behind!!!