Question about this extension of 1st base. I noticed in maybe stetson game that the runner was ruled out because he did not use tge green extended part but instead stepped on the traditional white. We had a game shortly after that where the catcher had to throw to first and the first baseman was standing on green leaning towards dugout for the out. So I guess it's OK for the defense to use both plates at first but the runner can only use the green??
I think this is the only exception that exists that allows the defense to use the colored base... 1-7-b-2: Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I think the pkay is saw was a dropped 3rd strike. How would the runner know which plate to run to when this is happening behind them? That rule seems very specific as to which base is allowed..i would a dropped strike scenario would allow an either /or base tag.
The logic would say he uses the bag that the first baseman isn't using, but the language seems to say both guys "can" use either bag