Actually....would be great to expose the ridiculousness of it and how wasteful it is. Shameful waste of tax payer time
If you get a felony for planting a flag what would they charge our defense with for the dismantling of their whole team in the national championship game. Next up life in prison for continuing to sack Troy Smith two decades later.
Who will be shocked to see the Fl legislature quickly follow suit? Bunch of sissy noles in that arena. I suspect there will be no mention of cutting up sod in someone else’ stadium when/if this issue comes up though. Lol
The media aren't the sharpest tools in the shed (but a lot are certainly tools). I recall a few years ago some FSU miscreants made up a story about a Seminole Fire-water beverage idea being stolen by UF and turned into Gatorade. The dumb lunks in the booth bought it hook, line, and sinker and talked about it during the UF-FSU game broadcast. It was an obvious hoax all along. I never heard any discussion come out later about how they got hoodwinked so badly.
The idiot will probably be responsible for an OSU player getting arrested. Next time OSU wins, some over hyped player will grab their own flag and head for mid field. If he plants it, he would face an arrest. The law has to limit everyone to be enforceable.
Strongly disagree with his take. Take advantage of the new era? Like try to outbid every offer on a player? Not sure if that’s what he means, but if it is, I’m ok with it.
I'm guessing he's referring to drawing out the portal process instead of striking more quickly. Not saying I agree because I'm not the one evaluating targets so who knows what their channels of communication are regarding particular players.
Yes, I believe that is what he is saying: that we know the compressed schedule, but act as though it is a long period to evaluate.