I'm glad someone posted this... This young man is going to be a great player for the Gators one day. Especially if we an keep Kiffin out of the picture.
could be. I checked and he’s jumped to 19th in the points race. Outside of the Australian Open, he doesnt have much points to defend until the USO next year so he will move up in the rankings. I dont think he will ever amount to anything on clay though
Doesn't look like any of the former Gators are on the two deep chart for the Huskers against Neon Deon. Meanwhile, Tarquin at USC and Braun with the 'Hogs start. Could have used those guys.
DJ stopped in to chat with us and take a photo with my wife in section G. Super nice kid and seems 100% Gator. we’ve been sitting there for years, most kids will shake hands and move on. DJ wants to interact.
Sometimes I look at the ludicrous posts on these boards and wonder why I even visit. And then I see a post like this one, and I am fully reminded.
I grew up a few miles from Wausau in Vernon. Wausau is somewhat in between Vernon and Chipley. Chipley was our biggest rival. You might remember Amp Lee that went to Chipley/Noles/Vikings. I played against him and his lil bro Tony Davis. Those two were freak athletes. Amp wasn’t tall but he could wreck a dunk contest.
And yes the possum festival was as ridiculous as it sounded. Possum King and Queen with less than 5 teeth between them preferably. Possum ice cream. (Ok it was persimmon but they called it that for effect)