This may help. You'll probably need to translate it to Russian though. Let me know if you need help. I speak fluent Russian. The banality of Putin’s evil | Lowy Institute
I don't have an affiliation to US politics but I can tell you, pretty much all Europe feels similarly. A better question might be why more isn't done to justify people are NOT feeling that way. For starters, his 'special operation' has already killed around (an estimated) half a million innocent civilians in Ukraine. How can that be justified? As for Tucker... I mean, it's there in plain sight. But you can't wake someone pretending to sleep eh?
Ha it is. Some years ago, I tried to change mine. Maybe four times I chose a new photo and hit save. Each time, I’d come back to the board with the same avatar as before. The system just refused. Thankfully, the movie Bottle Rocket still holds up, and my avatar isn’t a picture of The Cosby Show or something. Lol.
My guess is his ultimate destination is: Palm Beach With the rest of his former Fox colleagues. Wake up, both sides have everything in common.
Quality post. You are rewarded with high quality potato and one roll of non-sandpaper toilet paper, comrade.
LOL - Shall we start at the Tehran Conference and work our way to the present Comrade? Some of us here in the USA recognize Russia for what it is. The ideological enemy of Capatalism and the Free World. A corrupt dictatorship led by a trained KGB operative whose skills were honed for one purpose, the consolidation of power and his own expansionist whims. This is of course garnered by the explotation of Russian people and their proxies. Life means nothing to persons of this ideological bent. And for all their bluster, going back to the 1917 revolution, what did they accomplish? They beat the Nazi's whose form of Gov't may have been more odious and barbarian than their own. Congratulations, and for their reward Russians were given State Owned Farms, an apathetic and non productive work force, a society of drunks and an economy the size of italy's. You did pack your bunkers with 30,000 nukes. I'm sure your citizens will enjoy the radiation sickness and death associated with all those weapons falling apart. Russia is a shit hole because the Gov't made it that way. There are vast tracks of land that are uninhabitable due to pollution of many kinds and not just from weapons production. From Gov't stupidity and lack of concern for it's citizens. And much like the Nazi's in the 30's the "fast track" to economic recovery is to "steal" what your neighbors have. And spare me your come back 'Ukraine was always Russian" - Bullshit, they hate your guts, and one must only look at the conflict map and see Ukraine is killing your people along a 1200 mile front + in many other places to get a pretty good idea they DO NOT want reassimilation. Oh and let me remind you of your dear leaders claims that it would all be over in 1 - 2 weeks. It's two years later and how many dead Russians are a result? Not to mention innocent Ukranians.
Not nearly enough. Not sure how many it will take to make Russia stop its expansionist attempts in Ukraine.
I still find it stunning that so much death is being loosed in Ukraine......and for what? At this point, with so much death and destruction, short of a military occupation numbering in the hundreds of thousands if not millions, even if Russia "wins" the military conflict, how far in reverse will what is known as Ukraine, be? And if Zelenski just magicly "hands over" Ukraine to Putin, will Ukrainians automatically comply? or will domestic terrorism be the norm for years to come? I don't pretend to know the nuances of the Russian / Ukranian dynamic before Feb 21 or 2014 for that matter. My understanding is corruption was rampant, but apparantly that corruption was part and partial to the Russian model, not just a Ukranian phenomena. Neverthless Ukranians have made it clear, by their actions, they do not want to be absorbed back into Russian totalitarianism. Hopefully NATO continues to stand up for Ukraine with military support and the conflict continues to cause Russia a dear price for this idiotic invasion.
Putin isn't:t a Jeffersonian focrat but he is a Russian Democrat. He slowly got rid of corrupt oligarchs like Berezovsky who were looting his country and impoverishing it's citizens. The people like him and he is much less of a warmonger than the US. His statements are clear and thoughtful. Put C