Ain’t Karma a bitch? Tubberville can’t help but being a hypocrite on even the easy stuff, like walking down stairs. Tommy Tumbleville? How it was going: How it is going:
Next do Tlaib. Which is worse? Making fun of an old man or supporting terrorists who kill women and children?
Who here has defended Tlaib? Give me a name. Since you want to change the subject of the OP, what do you make of DeSantis calling Russia's invasion of Ukraine a "territory dispute"?
Plenty of threads for you. This one is about a dumbass senator falling on his ass to my pleasure. Quit hijacking the thread or you will be reported.
Maybe I should start hijacking threads with race and Trump asides? Seems to work for about every thread on this forum.
Ha. Agree. That's what Tommy gets for trying to take a step at a time. He was doing well up top with a half step at a time. That difficulty level should be left to professionals like Obama.
I don't think so ... there are no missing post numbers above.... when a post is deleted the post numbers have gaps...