DeSantis has literally taken a page from Hillary’s book. There is no difference between “listless supporters” and “deplorable.” And they are both correct — anyone who just sticks their finger in their ear and covers their eyes to remain so willfully deaf and blind is “listless” and “deplorable.”
I look fwd to the day when this guy is shut up through one means or another. He's an embarrassment. According to him, everyone is "crooked," "deranged," or some other awful thing. Everything working against him is "fake," "corrupt," and "rigged." Just go away already.
Read this email about Trump's plan to get the DOJ to announce voting irregularities and tell me how it's Biden who is trying to weaponize the DOJ
I still go back to the same question I've had for seven years now: Why that guy? Of all people to develop loyalty, even fealty, too ... why this fat, ignorant, dishonest, self-centered blowhard adulterer who has a history of ripping people off? Why him?
See 21d. If for a felony, no.:
Wut? They are all incredibly stupid people. The depths of their stupidity can not be measured by instruments known to man. He tells them he’s not criming for himself he’s criming for them. They 100% believe it. Can’t post this enough when referring Trumpaloons.
Because both Trump and they gave up on intellectual curiosity around 4th grade and they can understand his limited vocabulary and understanding because he sounds like them.
Trump is a troll, and very good one. His flock delights in his trolling. Most other republicans don’t even close.
It’s not hard to figure out. As Trump has said repeatedly, “I am your voice.” Listen to what he says. He speaks what his supporters believe.
This has to be a big part of it. And the anger that he evokes in liberals has a double pronged effect: indeed it is sometimes directly satisfying to see you enemies enraged, but also the anger makes the liberals attack Trump and then the whole group feels attacked. Look at how often that “basket of deplorables” comment was recycled. Trump seems to be a master at stoking tribal tensions.