If Trump is elected president, he will have Google prosecuted for publishing negative stories about him. So much for freedom of the press. How many of America's freedoms do mentally-disabled republicans have to give up before they realize that Trump is not a good candidate for president? Trump says he will seek Google's prosecution if he wins election
Harris plans on humiliating Trump during his visit to an Alabama football game by having a plane fly overhead trailing a banner that says, "Say It To My Face." This will remind Trump that he is dodging a second debate with Harris, and he needs to pull up his Big-Boy pants and find his Big-Boy courage to get him through a second debate, instead of punting on 2nd down. Will Trump fumble? Will his criminal agenda be intercepted? Will Harris walk into the endzone untouched and spike the ball on Trump? Harris to troll Trump with plane banner during Alabama-Georgia football game
Harris is polling 4% higher than Trump with people over 65, and could be the first democrat to win the senior vote in 24 years. Yet another nail in Trump's political coffin. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-harris-presidential-election-09-29-24/index.html
I wonder if Secret Service might prohibit all planes from flying above the stadium for safety or security reasons.
Maybe Trump is just thinking of Putin. Clearly with global warming Moscow will have a warmer climate and maybe a few resorts along the Siberian peninsula.
Cannon set the trial date for Trump's non-assassin Routh for 11/18. No special masters, no amicus briefs, no months long delays for motions. Curious.
Trump is very impressive at convincing the unwashed masses of voting for policies that are bad for them economically. Middle and lower-class Americans will be much worse off under Trump's policies, but many of them want to vote for him anyway. This article highlights how three of Trump's policies will hurt working class people. 1) Tariffs on imports. Drives up the cost of imported goods (and domestically-produced goods, without competition from imports). 2) Deporting immigrants. Drives up the costs of fruits, vegetables, and meats, as well as roof replacements. 3) Repeal or change Obamacare. Medical costs will go up from the "concept of a plan". These things are fairly easy to understand--it doesn't require a college degree or an M.B.A. When businesses pay more for things, they make consumers pay more. It is somewhat shocking to me that people are willing to vote for someone that will make them poorer, while benefiting corporate executives and billionaires. Add in the fact that Trump is a human lying machine, as well as a rapist, grifter, draft dodger, and tax cheat, what exactly are Trump voters voting FOR? Is it just celebrity worship? Do they want to "burn the house down" to save it from their imaginary enemy, the libs? Someone explain the thinking of the ignorant ones to me. Commentary: Voters should hate these 3 Trump ideas. Why don’t they?
Trump insults the military (again). He has declared that the victims of the U.S. base in Iraq that was attacked by Iranian missiles and had Traumatic Brain Injuries actually had headaches. IOW, they are complainers, whiners. Another foolish statement from the artless (draft) dodger. Maybe Trump is just too stupid to know that experiencing an explosion nearby can have serious and lasting effects on the human brain as the shock wave goes past the body. Trump downplays troop injuries in 2020 missile strike: ‘You mean because they had a headache?’
All the other living presidents congratulated Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday. Trump insulted him, saying that Jimmy is relieved to know that Joe Biden is now the worst U.S. president in history. How classy. Donald Trump Takes Aim at Jimmy Carter on His Milestone 100th Birthday
Trump doesn't give a single **** about our troops. He's just personally offended by the idea of looking bad because we were attacked by Iran under him.
And that he did jack shit about it. What a "strong man", I mean everyone knows you don't attack us with him in there or else he will say, "well you know... they had to do something." I see Putin shivering in his boots over that.
Jimmy did not do a great job as president, but many of the circumstances were not under his control. That said, he has been the absolute BEST former-President hands down.
Another example of the real Trump Derangement Syndrome, Donald Trump's extreme form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump cannot stand to share the limelight with another politician even one who was defeated in his bid for reelection and has been out of politics for over 40 years. Jimmy Carter has something that Donald Trump will never have, real respect from people on both sides of the political spectrum.