I don't think our international reputation will slip that far. But our allies definitely won't trust us. The multiple times Trump revealed classified information while in office, the cozying up to dictators, they will be very careful about what they share with us and how they coordinate their efforts with ours.
Putin will be orgasmic at the prospect of NATO being weakened or dismantled. I wonder how long Trump will wait before inviting Putin to DC for a summit and ass kissing ceremony?
Sadly, this is very real. Trump is a blatant Putin ally. Trump won't make America great again, but he damned might make Russia great again. And Trump will weaken NATO as much as possible, if not outright withdraw the US from it.
Mellon heir gives trump pac $50M day after conviction. A fool and his money..damn shame to think of all the good that the $$ spent on these campaigns could do at grass roots levels Ultra-wealthy donor gave pro-Trump group $50 million the day after NY felony conviction (msn.com) Timothy Mellon, an ultra-wealthy banking heir, donated $50 million to a super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump on the day after his felony conviction, records from the Federal Election Commission show, one of the largest disclosed campaign contributions ever. The $50 million contribution is a staggering amount for pro-Trump forces as the White House campaign enters a crucial period when voters are starting to tune in to the high-stakes race between presumptive GOP nominee Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden.
I thought Congress passed a law that the President couldn’t unilaterally withdraw? Agree the President can do other things to make it painful.
Totally unhinged. This guy is completely out of touch with reality. Gotta show ID for bread and now have to ask for soap out of a steel case. Has Trump ever bought soap in his life?
Im an independent but what irks me the most about Trump is that his entire campaign strategy seems to be about driving fear and only fear around every single issue. Were there crimes before? Yes. Were there border crossings and crime committed by undocumented migrants? Yes. I’m very curious to hear him speak in this debate because I have yet to hear him discuss a concrete piece of policy or plan moving forward. When asked about specifics the answer seems to always change based on the group he’s talking to, or he says something is coming in 2 weeks…and it never comes.
I believe he must have been just briefed on how the pharmacy works in prison and thinks it is that way everywhere. Dude IS that stupid and THAT out of touch with the common man.
I agree with trump. If you’ve never seen it here is convicted felon donald trump saying that convicted felons shouldn’t be allowed to run for President
Newsmax slaps a note on the bottom of Trump’s interview when he mentions election… “Newsmax accepts the results of the 2020 election as legal and final.” Bwahaahaaa