DOJ and FBI also investigating Michigan fake elector scams per testimony released from the state case. Behind a firewall but another front aht Smith has opened against djt and his cadre of conspirators. Have to think the same thing is happening in Wisconsin and Arizona and Georgia
Wisconsin: More winning! So much winning!!
I suspect these states have djt as an unindicted co-conspirator just waiting on enough people to flip to add djt to the list being charged. I do wonder if djt will be the first former potus to seek asylum in a non-extradition country. I think he will do anything to avoid prison time and not sure that the legal system is going to bail him out nor can the potus pardon him from state crimes.
There are often gubernatorial (or state board) pardon powers for state cases under certain conditions
based strictly on the facts that I have seen or read about, it would seem to require pardon from the POTUS for all federal charges and pardons from multiple governors where the fake elector scams were orchestrated to keep him out of prison. It will take years for all these cases to ever come to an end and the appeals be heard and by then maybe he relies on an infirmed client pardon request, ie a pity pardon.
As expected, djt pushing the USSC to save his bacon. Will they really show their partisan colors to be that bright? If so, the country is in a constitutional crisis when politics overrule the law. Disappointed in Johnson, again, for pushing that agenda Trump Demands That Supreme Court Rescue Him From Conviction (
In most states it's their governors that have the pardon power, in others the equivalent of a clemency board that has the authority. State by state: 50-State Comparison: Pardon Policy & Practice
Public comment has now been Bet that is the first time that has happened There were so many complaints against the judge in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago case that the court quit taking them ( A Florida appeals court received more than 1,000 complaints about the federal judge presiding over Donald Trump’s classified documents case within just a week last month. Many of the complaints have demanded Trump-appointed US District Judge Aileen Cannon remove herself from the Mar-a-Lago case and reassign it to a different judge, according to a notice filed with the 11th Circuit US Court of Appeals.
How could they possibly do anything without a court case that is supported with a challenge within their jurisdiction?
Great take Behold Ben, a 42-year-old white guy from Texas, explaining to a focus group why he's moving away from Trump: As far as porn stars go for affairs, he could have set a better example for who to have an affair with.... There are so many wonderful porn stars out there.... But I want a president who’s going to be able to cover up a $130,000 bribe to Daniels. If he can’t pull that off, I’m not going to trust him with the nuclear football. This seems like such an easy thing for him to screw up. I’m kind of leaning toward Biden now. I've said this before and I'll say it again: the traditional way of paying hush money is with a briefcase full of hundred-dollar bills. If Trump had stuck to that he never would have been caught. The best reason ever to vote for Joe Biden - Kevin Drum
The scotus will lose the remaining shreds of institutional credibility if they step in and rescue the orange guy.
The funny thing is Trump, according to the recorded call with Cohen, actually wanted to use cash. It would have been illegal in the exact same way, if he withdrew from a “business” entity and fraudulently recorded it as tax deductible legal expense. Sacks of cash are of course corruption 101. But, it would have prevented the paper trail of the checks, so that would have denied the prosecution that important piece of evidence.
Brace yourself the remainder of the month, mostly on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Not only this decision, which has effectively put the legal reckoning out past the election regardless of what is ruled, But numerous other decisions trying to remake society in significant ways based upon a long-term strategy by the conservative legal movement to rule society without democracy, true judicial decree without debate for democratic processes.
Trump may have a long flight to accept the nomination. RNC website featured image of Ho Chi Minh City instead of Milwaukee
I am going to advise my youngest son to go into the field of Republican defense attorneys... seems like they will never be out of work.