Can we just wait for the special, special counsel indictments to drop……… again. Lithium, it’s not just for batteries
Seen on Twitter with a profanity so I'll just repeat it. I want to personally congratulate Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Let me guess which channel you were watching. Bad part about so much media, you can always find someone to confirm your disbelief
Hopefully the video wasn't destroyed. Perhaps the subject of the racist statement sues and gains access A producer for “The Apprentice” is claiming that Donald Trump used the N-word during the show’s filming — and it was recorded on camera. Bill Pruitt, a former show producer, wrote in a piece published Thursday by Slate that Trump used the word to describe Kwame Jackson, a Black finalist on the first season of “The Apprentice,” which aired in 2004.
My wife accidentally turned on FOX and was about to switch, but I asked her to keep it, and let's see what they have to say. We did. I assume they are representative of the MAGA's and far right. Their hypocrisy is amazing. There is no doubt that had an indictment been brought against, say, Joe Biden in Alabama, they and the MAGA sheep would have been saying no man is above the law and to trust our judicial system, and had the jury convicted Biden, they would have praised the jury for doing the right thing no matter how difficult that was. No MAGA sheep can dispute the foregoing sentence. Nor can they dispute this one: Most democrats would have been of the same opinion. Even when a conviction in the Trump trial was far from certain, indeed, when many thought he might even be acquitted, democrats were praising the judge and saying our justice system should be respected no matter what. We democrats see that as fundamental to who we are as a people and nation. Not the MAGA folks. Now that Trump has been convicted in record time ON ALL COUNTS, just listen to them on Fox - criticizing the venue, reaming the judge, disparaging the DA, and generally proclaiming no indictment should have been brought nor trial held. Who love this country? Who are the patriots? Not Trump, not Fox, and not all those who kowtow to them both. Their hypocrisy is breathtaking. I'm done with this topic and will be kicking Trump out of his rented space in my head. (He never paid!)
I Cannot believe this is being lost in the tumult of the guilty verdict. If there was ever a doubt that Trump is a racist, this answers the question (and forgive me for being topical) beyond a reasonable doubt.
If and when the tape is found, it will make a bigger splash, hopefully within the minority community and help motivate them to get to the polls. Otherwise it becomes another he said, she said. The sheer number of outrageous things about djt almost serve to insulate him as it's just another day in crazyville and the oversaturation dulls the senses.
Texas voters being threatened that their voting record is public and they will be reported to djt if they don't just keeps getting worse Flyer warns Texas voters: ‘Don’t make us report you to President Trump!’ ( “Please don’t make us report you to President Trump!” Texas Republicans reportedly received a warning through a flyer sent to their homes before Tuesday’s primary runoff election. Viral posts on Reddit indicate that recipients in Victoria and Denton, spanning the opposite ends of Southeast and Northeast Texas, received this mailer. “We see you haven’t voted yet,” the mailer notes. “Your voting record is public. … Your neighbors are watching and will know if you miss this critical runoff election. We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote. You can’t afford to have that on your record.” The unofficial election notice claims the group will be “sending an official list of Republicans who fail to vote in the upcoming runoff to President Trump.” The mailer then promises to follow up after the election to ensure people voted.
Imagine the existence of a tape like this only being at max the 2nd worst news item about you on a particular day.
Trump playing 4D chess! He let the corrupt liberal judge convict him so that this video would be forgotten. Or something.
Speaker Johnson calls for SCOTUS to intervene on yesterday's verdict. Not entirely sure on what legal basis the scotus can do that on a NY case. Perhaps they can just burn the constitution and install him as emperor and call it a day. Film at 11:00.