A named producer from The Apprentice has come forward, apparently his NDA has expired, to confirm the 2016 reports that Trump used the n-word referring to black contestants on the show. "Bill Pruitt, who was a producer on the popular 2000s show, told Slate that he witnessed Trump using the horrific slur, but he has been prevented from speaking about them by a "non-disclosure agreement" he signed to take part in the show." "Pruitt claims that Trump said the slur while discussing the finalists of the show at the time, particularly Kwame Jackson, who became the runner-up for the first season." MSN
Pruitt is a never trumper america hating communist Why didn't he come forward before Trump won't lose a single supporter over this Pruitt and his family are probably already getting threats. did I leave anything out?
What? Trump promised us he, his family, and supporters, were "The Finest People". I guess with adjectives used to describe Kwame, as described by the Producer, the "Finest People" start with David Duke and then goes straight "Jim Crow" from there. No doubt the Klan will be offering heartfelt support to MAGA this cycle.
I imagine there a lot of people who would pay a lot of money to get their hands on that Apprentice tape. Maybe Putin already has it, that would explain a lot.
I think Putin has video of the Philanderer trip to Moscow, remember, the Golden Shower rumors? Trump represents "Porn Hubs" family values type of pervert.
This obviously won't matter to Trump voters who are either aware that a jury found that he sexually assaulted a woman, and the (then) GOP-controlled Senate found that Russia helped him in an election.....or they are about as abjectly ignorant as a stone. At this point the truly amazing part is not that these valueless or ignorant people exist, but rather that there is ANYONE who is not those things......that is willing to vote for any member of the political party that enables for him. Is it like; "Yeah, I think I'm going to vote for the guy who might show up outside the courthouse and lie for Trump" ? It's truly astounding by now. I think the refrain goes : "I'm going to vote for the people and party who lie for that criminal because.....I want him surrounded by as many good people as possible." Fascinating times we're in.
The real racists are the ones calling out Trump for saying he'd never let a ****** win the apprentice.
Jokes aside, I remember watching that first season of the Apprentice and thinking Kwame was going to win. I went back to read the recap of the last episode, and maybe it was pre-determined or edited in a way to pre-determine the winner, but based on what aired it does seem that Bill won the final competition.
UNBELIEVABLE. Art predicts life. This clip from the TV show “Trackdown” aired May9, 1958 and it featured a con man named trump who wanted to build a wall to save the citizens and that only he could do it (for a price). Had a happy ending when the sheriff arrested him - hopefully just as predictive. "Trackdown" The End of the World (TV Episode 1958) ⭐ 8.6 | Western
As time drags on, I'm leaning towards a hung jury on several of the counts. Acquittal on a few of them. I don't see a guilty verdict coming on any of them. I reckon they could do what you suggested, as a compromise of sorts, but that's not really the way it's supposed to work and I think there's probably at least 1 or 2 jurors in there that feel so strongly that way, with it being an ex-POTUS, they're not going to convict. That's my gut feeling. Obviously, I could be wrong.
There is a verdict in but the jury asked Justice Merchan for 30 minutes to complete the jury form which suggests it's special interrogatories. So we likely won't know anything until around 5:30-6:00
Any thoughts on what 11 hours of deliberation, no hung jury, and asking the judge to reread his instructions on determining intent might mean?
Everything I read today was that the last day’s events has been bad news for Trump. But with juries you just never know til they read it out loud.
Whatever the verdict is, I will accept it as this is our system. A grand jury of 30 citizens heard the evidence and found there was enough to indict him. He was tried before 12 citizens who heard the evidence both sides presented and have reached a decision that I accept whether or not it agrees with my personal opinion.