Kind of funny, because it was definitely the airhead lawyer’s fault she got “outed”. She posed for the picture for crying out loud. This guy probably had no idea she dipped out on court. I don’t feel bad for that fool, but that was definitely some bs. Yet, I’d put money that even after this social media whinefest and his “awakening” about how one way loyalty works, he’ll go running back like a battered wife that can’t quit her abusive husband. That’s how these cult things work.
angry that it isn't 1960 anymore and nobody is doing anything to fix problems so blame the other side because my side can't be part of the problem seems like the bigger the problem, the more the opposition can fund raise from it.
Too Hot Trumpsters ... get ready to get hit really hard with those "Trump really needs your money" emails.
those, like NIL pleadings, are going to have to wear thin at some point. give me another $85M so I don't have to keep my mouth shut about the woman I was convicted of raping