This. To the extent that we could call their doings a "plan." Of course, what did we expect from a buffoon who hate-mongered votes with the laughable racist lie that "They're eating the dogs!" ?
68% of Americans think Trump will control the border. I am one who thinks it will happen as well Gallup Poll Shows How Majority of Americans Feel About Trump's Immigration Plans
He won the election... opinion polls are the Leftist last failed attempt to scare Pubs into doing less of what they promised. This poll should be around 85%. How many more times will critical thinking minds fall for these phony polls?
Since he failed at building the wall and making Mexico pay for it, perhaps he can resort to his super power: Mean tweets. Yep, that'll do it.
He'll find the funding this time around. That wall will be built. Edit: And I will come back to this post and laugh at the communists that want open boarders.
I read that crap you linked, and I didn't see a damn thing showing any question where 66% of the people think Donald the Rapist will "control the border." If that's true, why is this article afraid to link to the actual survey, instead of just having some probable liar probably lie about it?
in the first paragraph of the article: Expectations are highest that Trump will control illegal immigration, which 68% of U.S. adults predict he’ll do.
Also, why didn't he "control the border" in his first term in office? Certainly OP remembers Trump's total and complete abject failure then, correct? Before Covid we saw the highest border crossings in US history happen under Trump's watch. But he all like...strong, and competent, and really really......controlling now. LOL. What kind of grown adult could believe this laughable $hit?
I disagree. Since the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican American War, and subsequent Gadsen Purchase established current borders with Mexico, our Southern border has never been secure. This includes Trump's first four years in office. It won't need secure the next four years either.
Trump left office with a 34% approval rating from the same survey organization. He was an abject failure. 68% of Americans surveyed are 100% morons if they believe Trump will do anything useful. Link: Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
The wall is useless. And we already have about 4X the number of Border Patrol Agents we had 35 years ago. What kind of magic does Trump have to do something so massive, it's never been done before?
Remember the time he saved us from North Korea with a tweet? I suspect we will get a tweet claiming the border is closed. Problem solved.
Trump wants all the illegals. That's why he's hired them every chance he's had. He just wants people to vote for him based on his con that he'll do something about it. He probably can't stop laughing that his con worked twice.