So roughly $10b for travel logistics, another $5b for the encampments and staging, another $5b for the round up costs. Dang. Trump wanted $20b for a wall. Maybe we should have done that. At least there would be a wall for Roger Waters and David Gilmour to make up about.
Why don't you tell us? You're the one all upset about it, and supporting a big, expensive plan to remove them. What's the math on this? The cost benefit? Do you even have the slightest idea, much less actually know? Or are you just, well,...... excited to be angry?
Considering in 2022 undocumented immigrants had a combined income of $330 billion and added $76 billion in taxes, the cost of caring for them is already covered by their own labor and contributions. So add in the loss of $76 billion a year in tax revenues along with the billions it cost to deport them, the better question is what will the full cost of deportations be?
Apparently you're the one who is ignorant since illegal immigrants aren't eligible for federal benefits. In fact most legal immigrants aren't eligible for benefits unless they've lived in the US for at least five years. Most undocumented immigrants work albeit illegally which means that they're supporting themselves so that there really isn't any cost of supporting them. The Importance of Immigrant Labor to the US Economy - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) According to estimates from the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) and other groups, as many as 8.3 million undocumented immigrants work in the US economy, or 5.2 percent of the workforce. They work in construction (1.5 million), restaurants (1 million), agriculture and farms (320,000), landscaping (300,000), and food processing and manufacturing (200,000), among other occupations. [1] Unauthorized workers hail from Mexico (30 percent), Central and South America (20 percent), and Central and Eastern Asia (15 percent). Occupations which will continue to demand undocumented workers over the next decade include cooks, home health/personal care aides, delivery and taxi drivers, and medical/therapy assistants.
Why would I read his BS. You were just running your mouth the other day claiming you didn't read certain post.
Lol, and how many of them have jobs? How many are receiving free benefits? Like I said you are being ignorant
For those interested in actually reading and learning, this article details how immigrants, both legal and undocumented, helped stave off a post COVID recession. The immigrant labor helped fill shortage gaps the kept inflation lower in the US than in other countries. Their buying power helped keep the US economy growing. Deport them all now and who replaces their labor? How does the economy react to their loss of buying power and output? Especially in key industries like agriculture and construction that have a high percentage of undocumented labor? How do we combat the inflation that comes with these shortages? Maybe we should answer these questions first?
No offense but on immigration he is likely the most knowledgeable person on this board. His posts are always full of information. I find it telling you made a claim and then refused to provide any support to it when asked.
why would the encampments cost so much...just use the illegals to build their own
I guess can they can fly illegals from Central American back to their home countries. Haiti on the other hand may be a problem. FAA grounds all US flights to Haiti after three planes were struck by gunfire