Last go round I remember something about a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. And a new healthcare plan that was going to replace the Affordable Care Act with even better coverage. And an infrastructure bill. And a.... I mean how many times do you have to be directly lied to before you realize the speaker is a liar and not worthy of belief?
Baby, just come back home one more time. I promise this time will be different. I'm a changed man. That was the old me, this is the new me. I know I don't deserve another chance after all my lies and transgressions. Just trust me baby, that's all in the past.
we hope he fails to crush the economy with deportations and tariffs, we hype he fails to put sex traffickers into the AG office and kooks into the surgeon general office and incompetent racist mysogynists into the sec of defense position. we hope he fails to reward putin with favorable terms in ukraine at the expense of ukraine and so many who have suffered so much due to putin. we hope he fails to drive the debt so high that generations will be limited more than they already are just to give tax cuts to his rich benefactors, we hope he fails to fracture NATO and wreck our regulatory system that protects the environment..yes, many of us hope he fails at lots of things we vehemently disagree with. some might even say that hoping the felonious sexual offender succeeds in these endeavors is what is unpatriotic for one who values the constitution
It's good to be able to look forward to having a President that actually wants to make America stronger.
Even though that would be describing his clownish first term favorably. If only there were some way to incorporate several hundred thousand excess deaths to Covid, due to his dereliction of duty and lying.
Too late. America failed when it voted for Trump. Those of use who voted against Trump were trying to prevent that failure. Now we just have to hope Trump and his stooges don't do irreparable damage the next 4 years. I'm not optimistic.
I said the same thing 4 years ago when you guys elected joey we survived his 4 years and you guys will survive the next 4 under TRUMP
hate will not make america stronger increased income disparity will not make america stronger fracturing long time alliances with allies will not make america stronger
Yes, you will see Trumph FAIL at ending the Ukraine War (what a joke). You will see his economic policy falter mightily. It will likely hurt your portfolio and mine, which have CRUSHED under the Biden administration. You will see him succeed at further dividing the nation, lining his buddies pockets, and putting more of his minions in jail.
The identical statement was applicable to you and your fellow Trumpers with respect to Biden four years ago although if I recall at this point in the cycle you (collectively) were still promulgating the myth the Trump really won the 2020 election and that his victory was stolen through massive albeit nonexistent election fraud. Although they're obviously displeased with the result at least the libs have accepted the reality that Trump won the election unlike the deluded supporters of the King of Mar-a-Lago four years ago.
You're hoping Trump spends as much time on the golf course his second time around as he did in the first? Me, too.
Let's just hope that Mexicans don't figure out how to tunnel under Trump's wall . . . DOH! Drone discovers ‘narco tunnel’ between Arizona, Mexico
And yet tell us which party promised retribution, to be a dictator on day one, to deport millions, that illegals had surged the crime rate (a blatant lie), that those illegals were eating pets, and that teachers were grooming everyone's children. The entire campaign was based on hate.
A look at whether Trump kept his 2016 campaign promises: Trump-O-Meter : Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact