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Trump Will Aim For 60% Tariffs On China If Reelected

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by thelouisianagator, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
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  2. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Wow, somebody is a fan of high taxes and inflation and not a fan of capitalism and free markets.
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  3. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    I support Trump, that doesn't mean I support all these policies. I will say if it brings back manufacturing to the U.S. I'm okay paying slightly higher prices. Why are you so against manufacturing coming back to the U.S.?

    Republicans were the party of Corporations for how many decades? And how did those Corporations repay the Republican party? Forced diversity, LGBTQ being forced down everyone's throat, DEI, etc. Let those Companies rep what they sow. The Republican party is no longer the pawns of the big Corporations. Make it hard for them to stay in China. Force them to bring back manufacturing to the U.S.

    I'll be honest, I think 60% tariffs are very excessive and yes I would worry about higher taxes and inflation. But honestly I'll always support Trump if for no other reason than he drives your side to a meltdown over everything. It's so wonderful seeing the liberal meltdowns over Trump. :)
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  4. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Neither will American consumers who pay for it one way or the other if Trump is elected. And let's not forget that when Trump was president he imposed tariffs on the Chinese who responded in kind by imposing tariffs on American agricultural exports which ultimately resulted in American taxpayers paying for $28 billion in subsidies to farmers to compensate for the loss of the Chinese market.
    Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces

    92 Percent of Trump’s China Tariff Proceeds Has Gone to Bail Out Angry Farmers
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
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  5. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Wow, imagine making yourself poorer to own the libs.
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  6. sierragator

    sierragator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Do you have the slightest idea of how tariffs function? China wont be cutting checks to the usa. Consumers will be paying it.
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  7. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
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  8. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    By eliminating the savings Companies enjoy by going to China maybe this will get them to bring more of that manufacturing to the U.S. Do that and you have better paying manufacturing jobs for the middle jobs. Even if the prices go up a decent amount people will have significantly better paying jobs and all that money will stay in the U.S. instead of leaving the country.
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  9. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Well, quite a few problems all arising from one simple fact: there are countries in the world that are not the US and China. That means that other countries could supply products and those products are produced for sale in countries other than the US.
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  10. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
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  11. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Trump must actually love inflation because his tariffs will would significantly increase the prices paid by US consumers and there already is an example.
    Trump’s Washing Machine Tariffs Stung Consumers While Lifting Corporate Profits (Published 2019)
    How Tariffs Stained the Washing Machine Market (Published 2019)
    As an effort to help domestic producers, the tariffs worked — very briefly. Whirlpool added 200 jobs at its factory in Clyde, Ohio. Its stock price jumped $20 per share in the first few days after the tariffs took effect. Then things went bad.

    A year after Mr. Trump announced the tariffs, washing machine prices were up, as many analysts had expected. But that has not been a boon to the makers of washers because fewer Americans are investing in new laundry equipment, exposing how protectionist trade policies can backfire on the very companies they are meant to safeguard.
  12. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    OP hates capitalism. Sad.
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  13. GatorJMDZ

    GatorJMDZ gatorjack VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You obviously didn't think this through very far, did you? Who the hell do you think is ultimately going to pay those tariffs?
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  14. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    I'm okay with anti-capitalism short term and some short term pain knowing that Trump being re-elected would cause the biggest meltdown by a political party and it's members in U.S. history. Seeing the utter sky screaming, hysteria and meltdowns is absolutely worth it. Heck just seeing the liberals on here losing their mind would be worth it. :) Plus long term is would help the U.S. Sometimes you have to have the short term pain and sometimes the quickest way to heaven is straight through hell.
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  15. mikemcd810

    mikemcd810 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Get a hobby that's not related to politics. This isn't a healthy way to feel.
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  16. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    In other words, you don't care about yourself nor your country. All you care about is owning da libz! Everything else is secondary. No wonder why Trump has a cult following!
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  17. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    There is no way companies would move manufacturing back to America over this ... we'd all just pay 60% more for a short time.

    The reason why companies would not move back is (a) because the next president will just immediately undo it, or (b) Trump sees 10-15% inflation reported, gets rightfully blamed for it, undoes it himself.
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  18. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Is this the same guy who was earlier complaining about how divisive Biden is?
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  19. channingcrowderhungry

    channingcrowderhungry Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Bottom of a pint glass
    God damn is Trump a moron. Make the entire country poorer to own da libs. Anti-MAGA
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  20. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
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