I'd bet my hat that Donald negotiates nothing and claims victory announcing the same deal we have. Just like NAFTA.
Trump's idiotic tariffs might only shut down the electrical grid in Minnesota, Michigan, and New York. Nice work, Trump! Those states probably don't need electricity anyway. Gas prices in the midwest are expected to jump by $0.30/gal if the tariffs go through. Canada Threatens to Cut Power to U.S. Over Trump Tariffs
On the positive side, at least all those gullible MAGA voters finally will have their TVs shut off when the wind dies down.....
Trump called out on his lie that mass deportations will ease the U.S. housing crisis. No immigrants = no one available to build new houses and maintain (re-roof) older ones. Despite Trump’s claim, deportations likely wouldn’t ease housing crisis, most experts say
It is probably happening right now. If you expect prices to rise in the future that causes inflation right now. I expect inf to keep creeping upward. I think a rate cut is a bad idea.
Prices expected to increase on these three items under Trump: 1) Electronics. 2) Cars. 3) Appliances. Even if you buy a domestic vehicle, chances are that it was made with foreign parts. 3 Things the Middle Class Won’t Be Able To Afford If Trump Imposes Tariffs in 2025 Things would be just like they were in the 1950's, when you had to save 3-4 years for a new washing machine or dryer, and there were no electronics.
Another article says that Herbert Hoover's high tariffs on foreign goods helped cause the Great Depression, which spread worldwide and led to the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and World War II. Gamesmanship you say? Who could be better at gamesmanship than Trump? Wouldn't a Trump-driven World War III be exciting? Trump’s tariffs and Nebraska
What a stupid story. Do you ever check anything? Here is what she said in the AP story PJ media misled you on:
QTS qualify the source or QFT quit bleeping trying..only thing left since we can't block foolishness (being kind here)