I’m not. Last time I was confident he was done with politics was in November of 2020 and here we are. If he loses again this November and he’s not dead or in jail come 2028 why do you feel certain he wouldn’t run again? It’s not like his basket of deplorables is going to desert him.
If President Trump is talking about consolidating power, isn't that a good thing? Don't you want to be united? All I hear are people constantly whining about how divided the country is. Let's unite under Trump.
The "malady" can be traced back to the late Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist as well as a political commentator. Krauthammer coined and applied the term in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush. That "syndrome" was defined by Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush." The first known use of the term Trump derangement syndrome may have been in an August 2015 op-ed in The American Spectator. Esther Goldberg used the term to describe "Ruling Class Republicans" who are dismissive or contemptuous of Trump. Since its introduction into the current political vernacular it has been used mostly by Trump supporters to mock, discredit, deny, or ridicule criticism directed at Trump by the opposition. Two years later Krauthammer expanded and updated his definition of the syndrome when he penned the content of this link - You can't govern by ID: Charles Krauthammer "WASHINGTON -- Having coined Bush Derangement Syndrome more than a decade ago, I feel authorized to weigh in on its most recent offshoot. What distinguishes Trump Derangement Syndrome is not just general hysteria about the subject, but additionally the inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences on the one hand and signs of psychic pathology on the other." ______________ Dr K then went on to mention Trump's several gaffes, insults, and unhinged tweets he had recently made, ending with this. _______________ "It's the tweets, of course. Trump sees them as a direct, "unfiltered" conduit to the public. What he doesn't quite understand is that for him -- indeed, for anyone -- they are a direct conduit from the unfiltered id. They erase whatever membrane normally exists between one's internal disturbances and their external manifestations." "Consider his tweets mocking the mayor of London after the most recent terror attack. They were appalling. This is a time when a president expresses sympathy and solidarity -- and stops there. Trump can't stop, ever. He used the atrocity to renew an old feud with a minor official of another country. Petty in the extreme. "Trump was elected to do politically incorrect -- and needed -- things like withdrawing from Paris. He was not elected to do crazy things, starting with his tweets. If he cannot distinguish between the two, Trump Derangement Syndrome will only become epidemic." __________________ As it has.
No. Not under the sort of power Trump aspires to exercise. Surely you can't be serious. Trump's strategy is akin to enrage, divide, and conquer. He is much too divisive and overly concerned with his own personal goals and aspirations to put the needs of his country and fellow citizens ahead of his own.
President Trump is a uniter. He wants to secure our border, end all the creepy stuff adults are attempting with kids, drain the swamp. These are unifying ideas, not divisive ideas. How can you watch this sad excuse for football we've witnessed during the Biden years and not be for draining The Swamp??
Thanks Lacuna, interesting stuff. With regard to the evolution in the meaning/use of the term "TDS" ........ the word "gay" once meant "happy".
Simply ridiculous that Trumpers still pull this card. The man is almost assuredly going to be the GOP nominee for president, even after all of his indictments (sadly). That makes him very relevant in the here and now and worthy of discussion. Many of us are thoroughly concerned with this terrible sack of shit running this country and destroying it if he gets back into power. Try to keep up.
Anybody care to share Trump’s plan to wield power beyond 2028? We keep hearing about how he’s a threat to Democracy. Again, even if you subscribe to the fiction that “we almost lost our Democracy on January 6th, 2021;” how exactly is Trump a threat in this election or in the next one? He has no power in this one and he’ll be termed out in the next one. So I understand this being relevant as sort of a values litmus test, but I’m yet to find one Trump “fan” on this forum who completely flipped on Trump because of January 6th. And I’m yet to find one Trump critic on this forum who didn’t always dislike him. It tells you there’s more at play here. It’s less about actually preserving institutional integrity (which should have been a red flag signaling ulterior motives coming from the side calling to pack the court, indicting their political opponents, attempting to keep their chief political threat off the ballot, trying to keep somebody off SCOTUS over decades old rape allegations raised at the 11th hour, and trying to run the country on unelected government bureaucrats). I’m not going to defend January 6th, but I’m also not going to pretend it was anything more than a protest turned riot, and Trump making a last-ditch effort to secure an election he thought he won, albeit through dangerous and unconstitutional means that should never be attempted again. Part of the calculus with Trump is and has always been the ability of his administration to anchor him. And I think it’s more than safe to say that Trump’s administration provided an anchor (many times even for Trump himself) whereas Biden’s enables damaging behavior. There is no government overreach that they feel is too broad for them in principle. The agenda always justifies the means. If they haven’t attempted it, it’s only because they don’t feel they can get away with it.
Even in the most generous explanation for Trump that he offered the troops to Pelosi and she turned him down, does that mean that the biggest, baddest president we've ever had let himself be overruled by little Nancy Pelosi? Or did he just choose to not provide troops out of spite even if that meant putting the lives of congress men and women at risk? I don't buy for a second that the president's hands were completely tied and there was nothing he could do once Pelosi said no.
Could not stand Krauthammer, unethically claiming he could diagnose from afar and doing so in indefensible political ways.
If Trump is elected I wouldn't put it beyond him to find some type of pretext to remain in office after 2028 regardless of the Constitution. Keep in mind that for the entire history of our country every defeated incumbent president acceded to the peaceful transfer of power with one exception. Trump and his supporters tried numerous frivolous legal devices to nullify the results of the 2020 presidential election and those failed he urged his supporters to interrupt the Congressional certification of the results of the Electoral College and as the president it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he would try to invoke the Insurrection Act or a similar to stunt to remain in office Constitutional term limit or not and unlike his first term Trump will appoint absolute sycophants to virtually every senior position in government. Come 2028/20229 there will not be a Mark Esper or Bill Barr to stop him should he attempt an extra-Constitutional stunt to remain in office. Keep in mind for his entire career in both business and government Trump has treated the rule of law as optional.
Yeah “some pretext.” Not happening. Zero chance that happens. Trump gave up on the 2020 election. He has now moved on to the 2024 election. And he’s once again fighting against this whole apparatus stopping at nothing to keep him from the White House. Despite this always having been his fight, it’s more true now than any campaign he’s run. Whether it backfires, time will tell.