Why does every thread turn into a lawyer pissing match? You guys need a room. Or at a minimum just a legal forum.
That's fine. Seeing as you forsook your supposed principles to go all in on DeSantis, the feeling is very much mutual. And it's hard to argue that the issue here is message or artistic expression when the baker refused to bake the cake before he heard anything about the cake's design. The idea that a white cake with some flowers on it conveys some sort of message or in some way infringes upon a proprietor's free exercise rights because of the purpose the cake will be used for is absurd. Now, do I think the baker has every right to refuse to bake a cake when customer demands that the message "I support gay marriage" explicitly written on it? Yes.
DeSantis’ Make Florida White Again campaign failing. People of all colors flocking to the state … Black Americans Embrace Florida | ZeroHedge
They give you no perspective in this fake zerohedge article but you dont care. Here is perspective if you look at the linked data: Population Dashboard Since 1990 black population growth under Democrats was 91% higher than whites. Under Republicans until Desantis is was 90% faster.. Unders Desantis it has fallen to only 25% higher rates. Its a drastic reduction in the trends pre-Desantis. In raw numbers black pop growth under democrats 4.2% a year... under pre-Desantis Republicans 3.8% per year... under Desantis 1.4% per year. Seems like you need a new article. Try Brietbart.
Is it really becoming more diverse? S Fla and the TB area increasingly so have always been diverse, hence the liberal lean. I can't think of any major US city more diverse than Miami which corresponds with most righties hate of the area. On the other hand, I dont see a lot of diversity in the panhandle, hence the hard right political lean.
This is a pissing match because one lawyer knows his shit, and the other lawyer is full of shit. I won’t say which is which.
You can add Central Florida to that in recent years. Went to my granddaughters graduation the other night and 3 of 4 names called were foreign names. You can't sit in a doctors office waiting room and listen to people speaking English anymore. I have mentioned before I have an Asian living on my left, my neighbor to my right is a Puerto Rican married to a German, and my neighbor across the street is a Venezuelan.
Agreed, especially south central around Kissimmee there is a large Puerto Rican population and when I used to visit always heard a lot of Spanish in HD. I believe the community mushroomed in part due to Puerto Rico's recent hurricane devastation and work opportunities in central Fla.
Florida is the 8th most racially diverse state in the United States. Why do we allow the resident trolls to bog us down in these stupid back and forths?
You gave a snapshot and think that is it huh. Florida has been bringing in the minorities more so than the whites. Florida’s under-70 population now majority-minority
What the NAACP's warning is that we have laws and you will obey them, if not you will face a judge and bail will be set. No get out of jail free waiting for a trial if you commit a violent crime.