Growl - It's simple - EVERYTHING! LOL I used to work at a plant near Nashville, all were Utooth Homer's. During the Spurrier years! It was fun most of the time!
Post #1 is a great summary of how I feel about EVERY SEC football team except Mizzou due to family. Too bad all if them can't tie every week.
Just so pleased that UF demonstrated this team can play good football. Obviously UT has better personnel than McNeese, but if UF plays disciplined low penalty, and low to zero turnover football, I see the defense keeping UF in the contest. I do think the Gators need to rush for a buck fifty (150) are so to have the best chance to win.
After how they played Austin Peay... not worried that we can compete. The question is will we stay hungry and focused. I know we have that home field crowed that will help us out a ton, so that's a plus too. That team is not the same team we saw last year, but we have to play error free to take that victory from them.
Every time the Vols come to Gainesville there is a big run on air freshener...something about the Vols that makes them the gassiest fan base.
Since no one was yet mentioned it in in this thread, in his fours years at UT Peyton Manning was 0-4 against the Gators.
I’ve lived in Knoxville since 1994. It has grown into a very live-able city. Esp if you like food and doing things outdoors. Good people, good cost of living, great place to raise a family. Though all 3 of my kids are rock-ribbed Gators, even though 2 of them have degrees from UTn.