Missouri Democrat candidate for US senate Lucas Kunce shoots reporter with AR15 at shooting range.....Hey idiot you don't shoot steel targets from 15 feet away. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article294375174.html
Too bad, Dick Cheney had the title of doofus with guns for so long. Well, since he was a Republican he probably still will.
I am not proud to relay my dad was shot at a Tennessee party in similar fashion. He lives in the mountains. Was about 5-ish years ago. Very on brand to get shot at gatherings in Tenn and Missouri I guess.
I saw that movie 50+ years ago. Don't remember a whole lot about it but remember I liked it....or maybe I just liked the girl I watched it with. The line They shoot horses don't they just sorta stayed with me. Used that line many times since.
Why are all the Democrat candidates trying to act like Republicans this year? Staging photo ops with AR-15’s? Weird.