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When they were younger Biden ans Schumer sounded like hardcore law and order candidates and they were very interested in border security.
Younger Biden wanted a larger Coast zGuard and Border Patrol, more cops,pre prison cells, tougher judges and prosecutors. Schumer talked about m "illegal immigrants" not "undocumented workers: and so on. Both of them sounded like present day Trump (who used to be a Democrat). Schumer sounded totally committed to ending all illegal immigration. The importance of everyone being united by a common language is brought up. PWjat happened to Democrats. The video ends with some of their recent comments. Quite the contrast
Yeah, Biden used to want more Border Patrol agents. A sharp contrast to his support for a recent proposal that would...hire more border patrol agents (from a level that is an order of magnitude greater than when he made the initial statement).
What do you think? IMHO, if JB wants more border officers .... it is only because he's running for re-election.
I think Biden and hisasyers want millions of illegals to enter the US every year. That's why the illegals are given a financial incentive to come here. I think one way to pretend you want a secure border would be to ask for more border officers. I've heard that Soros and others set up humanitarian 501(c)3s in foreign countries that organize caravans that come here. The US might even fund these orgs, Catholic charities and other groups do the same. Soros gets good bangs for his bucks