In a universe with countless stars and planets, a planet like Earth is not something that "happens by chance," it is something that is bound to happen.
Texas Tech defensive back Tyler Owens could be on to something. He said at the NFL combine that he doesn’t believe in outer space. “I’m real religious, so I think we’re alone right now. I don’t think there’s other planets and other stuff like that.” He also thinks there is some merit to the “flat-earth stuff.”
I believe in outer space. But you’ve got to admit that, against those SciFi movies of the 50’s, STILL all we can manage is puddle jumping.
I have it on good authority that lots of people on this board, who don’t believe in God, because they don’t believe in things that can’t be proven to exist, nonetheless believe in things that can’t be proven to exist.
Whose faith is stronger, those who believe in an Intelligent Designer or those who believe there was no design and things just sort of happened? One thing everybody can likely agree on is there is no conceptual understanding of the universe that precludes the idea that it was designed that way. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
And UFO sightings; funny how with all of our increase in video technology the quality of the recordings never seems to have improved. Why Are UFOs Still Blurry? A Conversation With David Brin Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I think the argument against design is not so much that "things just sort of happened," but rather that things have always been. There was never a time when they "happened." Which will never make any sense to the human mind. So creation or design may be either true or just a mental cop-out.
The relativity of time makes the concept of "forever" hard to grasp, but that's a limitation on us and our ability to understand more than it is a limitation on what the universe can or cannot be. Here's a fun article on the concept of time: Does light experience time? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I'm not sure what the difference is between these two phrases. "Happened" implies events; "always been" implies events as well, no? (always been what? happening) What makes it a "mental cop-out?" I enjoy attempting to understand the fascinating aspects of our universe (to whatever ability I can) the same as atheists. I do agree that much/most/practically all of what is will never make any sense to the human mind (on the understanding of how the universe works). Whether we have a Creator or are just a small blip in a never-ending directionless sea of energized mass, we have neither the time nor the capability of understanding the universe in a total capacity. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I mean the fact that we've created our world, and then projecting that on someone else creating a larger world before us is kind of a cop out, or at the very least, a lack of imagination. If Christians believe in eternity as a concept, the idea of something always existing rather than being created from nothing isnt necessarily incompatible from a logical standpoint.
My thoughts on the subject of creation. If Adam had been a Cajun he would have killed the snake and ate it and left the apple alone and all the worlds troubles would be gone.