I rarely watch or listen to this, but today offered a moment for diversion. No need to quip about "don't waste your time on that show." I get it. Today he had a caller who started in w a joke about white and black parents of newborns and the babies getting mixed up. The "joke" was abruptly cut off by the producer and while the host dismissed it as bad humor, he also indulged it to a certain extent (i.e. giggling). It went on far too long for what was obviously inappropriately racial. Later, a caller got into a conversation about NC/SC and their allegiance to the Union / Confederation. The caller was obviously (and perhaps purposefully) misinformed regarding the allegiances and much of the back-n-forth involved falsely labeling folks from these states "yankees." Not exceptionally Too Hot, but horribly unintelligent. And later yet, a caller opened by celebrating his sister's newborn baby today. He then said "I'm going to be a great father." The host didn't seem to notice and congratulated the caller. I understand that several of these callers are likely "plants" who call in for entertainment purposes. Notably, the "father" of his sister's baby was shown to be from Gainesville, FL. Ok, I guess the bottom line is that PF succeeded in getting this Gator to give him attention. The borderline(?) racist stuff, though, was surprising. I've not noticed this before, but I'm not a regular. Anybody else observe this?
I’ve tuned in a few times. Never heard that type of stuff but I find him monumentally unentertaining. I suppose he has a giant Bama following and that has its value but otherwise I don’t get why he has such a high profile. He’s universally stiff and dull on his SC cameos too.
He’s also not even much of a Bama booster. They do talk about them the most, but they actually ARE the most newsworthy. I mean they have been top 2 for about 15 years running. Usually 1. I’d also be forced to talk about them if my show was about college football. And I’d have to talk about how good they are “this” year.
If Finebaum's show went Too Hot, the switchboard would light up with callers demanding the sale of wine and cheese and gluten-free hot dogs by the stadium vendors.
Well, you lost me on this one. The few times Ive listened to the callers, they sound like a bunch of bored drunks calling in from their basement.
He's saying too hot is filled with effeminate wimps. Ie they'd rather have wine than beer. It was a joke, if not a funny one.
Have to disagree. He was homering for Bama and Saban as early as 2008, when Florida was still on top.
He's the one who started the rumor that Urban Meyer was leaving Florida for Notre Dame. At the moment we were king and he had no answer for it but to stir up bullshit.
I don’t see why you found that racially insensitive. It was funny as mixing up the babies could have been. Some folks take life way too seriously. Libbies, lighten up.
His show is WWE level phony schtick. Mind boggling that so many people find him entertaining. All that being Said, when Laura Rutledge appears I will watch
Really. The feelings of betrayal, emasculation, humiliation, and impotent jealous rage that surely washed over the fathers should be a real hoot for any liberal.