Modern EC campaigning is on the margins, and that means 7 states with incidental stops for convenience in between. Pop vote margins would include a whole bunch of tiny populations typically ignored. Hypothetically, this cycle, RFKJ could make a legit run never going to Philly, Atlanta, or Phoenix. Kamala and DJT will never even bother with LA or NY, let alone Bakersfield or Ithaca. Again, are there no R’s in Cali? Are there no D’s in Louisiana?
Yes it’s the states, but the states won’t change it. Eg It would require the Republican legislature of Texas just giving away a bunch of EC votes to the democrats. Vice versa for California’s Democratic leadership. The states could sign on to a pact that only goes into effect once a bunch of states sign on, like that popular vote EC scheme, but that’s hard to imagine as well.
The parties would want any proportionality to be based on districts in order to keep relevance. Making it based on state vote totals makes the most sense, but politics.
So in the deep philosophical question of which is more important: the voting power of an individual versus the voting power of a state, most people down firmly on the side … that helps their party.
So because 69% of the country thinks transgenders shouldn’t be in women’s sports, then it’s settled, right? What an asinine statement, but not surprised that you posted it. Keep up the great work Sport! More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation
Do you really want me to post all of the times that you have tried to shut down arguments with a poll? Or can we both agree that you are being disingenuous here and that you just don't like the results of the poll? BTW, I never claimed that it was settled. You made that up. You claimed it was Ds that wanted it. I just pointed out that 57% of the public wants it, which is substantially more than the percentage of the public that are registered to the Democratic party.
I think the problem is with the two parties and the interminable nominating process. I like this shortened Kamala thing. She didn’t run for two years. Other democracies do it. There must be a better way than this.
electoral college has nothing to do with that. It’s that we as a country have nominated idiots 12 years running now. But you keep thinking the EC is unfair. Bunch of other far lefties agree with you.
I just pointed out how ludicrous your comment was. Don’t get your panties into a bunch. Sorry I ruined your little argument. Better luck next time skippy.
Sure. Parties don't take the electoral system into account and come up with candidates that are targeted at about 100k, mostly lower information, occasional voters in a few states because that is what decides elections. It just happens at random, or something. Also, the country doesn't nominate people.
There is your tell. Next time, try a better argument, and your argument won't be smashed back in your face. Enjoy your L for your collection, sport!
This is my biggest beef. The whole damn thing should take 6 months tops. People aren’t getting their news from the papers any more. It feels like half my adult life has been spent during a damn “campaign year”
I would prefer 6 to 8 weeks. This 2 years is nonsense and trump has been campaigning since he lost the last election.
I stand by for every $10,000 in income taxes I pay I get an additional vote. Why not? If I’m contributing more to the ‘system’ than 90+% then I should have more of a say. Also takes cares of the evil billionaires that pay no income tax
Amusing to me that OP doesn’t see the irony in the establishment of a republic purposely takes into account avoidance of majority (Mob) rule for governance, so merely posting anything that says 50%+ is making the point of the establishment of the EC in the first place.
We are a Democratic Republic. The representatives are supposed to represent the interests and desires of the people that they...represent.
First, I will point out something many miss: the more wealth you own, the more the "system" benefits you by maintaining and protecting that wealth. Second, no, pay-to-play is not actually a unique or good idea.
LOL, just because you are upset that you made a dumb argument you don’t need to get all defensive. Next time you are thinking of posting something this ridiculous maybe think twice. I know you won’t but I’ll continue to laugh at you.