I have the same experiences with people I talked to in private. This is what has me deeply concerned.
Old people are Trump's best demographic, I would recommend not surveying only your elderly parents and their peers for an election sample
Sounds like you’re just setting your own expectations for a safe-haven to claim the election was stolen (which of course you’ll remain silent in Florida’s vote even though there is a heavy mail-in component).
I think I’d be a non partisan third party but I’d like to piggyback snatch’s bet. I’ll go 1k with him. We are both completely good for it. No need to escrow the funds.
Can you both participate? have you both ever been seen in the same place at once? Gotcha down for $1k
I'm just saying age range. 18-30 are going to favor Kamala. The only age demo Trump will win will be seniors over like 65, because its the one demo where the gender gap isnt going to be a factor. It also the whitest demographic too, so there's that.
I already stated that neither of us would be allowed to use another screen name. One year. Take it or leave it. You in?
I don’t bet, but I have to say, this post was one of the most enjoyable I’ve read in a long, long time.