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Thanksgiving at Saban's. 2022 Edition.

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by tilly, Nov 24, 2022.

  1. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    So I'm here yet again for my annual report on Thanksgiving at Saban's.

    The flight was good.

    Jimbo picked me up at the airport. I asked what he was doing here and he said, practicing for his next gig as Saban's driver. Weird, but whatever. He acted real weird as we approached 4th avenue and 8th street.
    Something about 4 and 8 seemed to really bug him. Brian Kelly was actually waiving at him on 8th. Almost taunting.

    We picked up Kiffin on our way. He just kept saying something about War Eagle and this was his state now. *Shrug*

    We drove around for a longtime. Seems Jimbo had lost his way.

    We pulled in the driveway around sunset. There was a Frost on the ground. I mean its not that cold. Scott Frost has literally set up in a tent on the gounds
    I could see a short lonely figure in the distance sitting on the dock out back.

    I knew right then, this would be different.

    I noticed several unused Dodge Challengers rusting in the driveway.

    The most noticable difference is that the bags for Atlanta are always packed at the front door, but I dont see those anywhere.

    Everything seems dustier and older this year. Saban's house is generally meticulous. Muschamp was running around with a dust rag and a broom yelling about adversity in the family room or some nonsense.

    I bumped into my old biddy Charlie Strong. He asked if anyone knew when Billy Napier would arrive. (Little did he know, he was already there scoping out his seat at the recruiting table.;))

    Yep. Things are different.

    Dan Mullen just texted me. Said he is lost. He said he's stuck at the intersection of 4th and Grantham St. (Seems he mentioned that on our ride in last year.) I told him remember Dan..no one ever stops at 4th and Grantham!

    I see peanut butter and bbq sauce is on the counter which means McElwain will be here. So help me if that creepy guy takes his shoes off and stinks up the dining room again... But I digress.

    Heupel is here. He is pissed to see his name crossed out at the big table and his seat is back at the kiddie table. Ms. Saban is trying to explain that the card was printed a couple weeks ago and things have... Um... Changed. Shane Beamer walks through and just chuckles.

    I notice two extra seats this year.
    One just says Boomer and the other has no wine glass beside it. (That one took me a minute too).

    I heard a scuffle in the study just before I headed to bed and saw Prime Time exiting with a War Eagle shirt on saying Kiffin's gonna need Aflac after that.

    All night long I hear the sound of Fulmer waking people up asking where the desert table would be. At one point I here a cocky southern voice tell him it will be right next to Manning's SEC trophy. I never heard another word from Phil, but rested easy nowing Spurrier was in the house.

    Yep. Its gonna be an interesting day.

    More to come!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Last years thread for those bored enough to read it: Just arrived at Saban's house for Thanksgiving.

    Evening recap: A weird development happened as we were all watching games last night after dinner.

    A Pirate literally walked through the den and took the (Deviled) Egg Bowl right out of Kiffin's lap. That brough a chuckle from Saban. Kiffin just smirked and said. "Dont laugh to hard. That was you Iron Bowl".

    I thought the extra table for old Tennessee coaches was a nice gesture. They were all given paper plates. No bowls though. Jones, Pruitt and Dooley all had a spot. Kiffin had a spot too, but refused to sit there. Fulmer was placed next to Spurrier at the main table, because Nick has a sense of humor.

    Some other recaps:
    Jimbo choked on a cupcake.

    Fulmer jumped right to desert. (He couldnt refuse Spurrier's ciTrUs jello)

    Les Miles just had a salad.

    I thought the Dillards bag in Bowden's spot was a bit unnecessary and the Foot Locker shirt draped over the chair was just too far.

    Tebow's prayer was beautiful.

    Mark Richt toast gave the toast. It was interrupted at one point though by Urban yelling "Timeout, why is Helen Hunt here?" Mark recovered and continued, Only for Urban to do it a second time.

    Good times.

    Anywho. Everyone is out shopping and grabbing snacks for the Friday festivities. Stay tuned.

    (FWIW, I like the look on Billy's face as he headed out the door this AM)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022
    • Funny x 12
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  2. WindoverG8tr

    WindoverG8tr GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    No wine glass-classic! ( Prob does prescription stuff this season.)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    Well done again….

    The no wince glass was a subtle but tasteful dig.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022
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  4. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Evening recap: A weird development happened as we were all watching games last night after dinner.

    A Pirate literally walked through the den and took the (Deviled) Egg Bowl right out of Kiffin's lap. That brough a chuckle from Saban. Kiffin just smirked and said. "Dont laugh to hard. That was your Iron Bowl".

    I thought the extra table for old Tennessee coaches was a nice gesture. They were all given paper plates. No bowls though. Jones, Pruitt and Dooley all had a spot. Kiffin had a spot too, but refused to sit there. Fulmer was placed next to Spurrier at the main table, because Nick has a sense of humor.

    Some other recaps:
    Jimbo choked on a cupcake.

    Fulmer jumped right to desert. (He couldnt refuse Spurrier's ciTrUs jello)

    Les Miles just had a salad.

    I thought the Dillards bag in Bowden's spot was a bit unnecessary and the Foot Locker shirt draped over the chair was just too far.

    Tebow's prayer was beautiful.

    Mark Richt gave the toast. It was interrupted at one point though by Urban yelling "Timeout, why is Helen Hunt here?" Mark recovered and continued, Only for Urban to do it a second time.

    Good times.

    Anywho. Everyone is out shopping and grabbing snacks for the Friday festivities. Stay tuned.

    (FWIW, I like the look on Billy's face as he headed out the door this AM)
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. tegator80

    tegator80 GC Hall of Fame

    May 29, 2007
    Richmond, VA
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  6. AgingGator

    AgingGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    Was Coach O there?